
Synonym for prop [verb]

The synonym prop synonymous definition words:
- conjugate verb prop
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back up [verb]

means "strengthen"
consolidate, brace, buttress, fortify, stiffen, prop

brace [verb]

means "strengthen"
consolidate, back up, buttress, fortify, stiffen, prop

brace [noun]

means "support"
shore, prop, strength, stay, strut

mainstay [noun]

means "brace"
prop, column, support, buttress, strut, stay

mast [noun]

means "column"
post, pillar, prop, pole, support, upright

minaret [noun]

means "column"
support, pillar, post, prop, pilaster, shaft

pilaster [noun]

means "column"
support, pillar, post, prop, minaret, shaft

post [noun]

means "thing"
column, mast, pillar, prop, pole, support

reinforcement [noun]

means "supporting device"
supporter, brace, prop, support, beam, strut

shore [verb]

means "activity"
support, prop, brace

shore [noun]

means "thing"
brace, stay, support, prop, post, beam

stay [verb]

means "activity"
support, brace, strengthen, sustain, uphold, prop

stay [noun]

means "thing"
support, brace, hold, prop, truss, rope

strut [noun]

means "support"
brace, prop, mainstay, stretcher

support [verb]

means "maintain"
sustain, keep up, prop, buoy, provide for, nourish

support [noun]

means "brace"
prop, column, mainstay, buttress, strut, stay

truss [noun]

means "supporting device"
supporter, brace, prop, support, beam, strut

upright [noun]

means "pole"
column, pile, prop, support, pier, verticality

verticality [noun]

means "pole"
column, pile, prop, support, pier, upright

appropriate [adjective]

means "individual"
particular, proper, peculiar, intrinsic, unique

propagandist [noun]

means "proselytizer"
proselytiser, advocate, zealot, missionary

propagate [verb]

means "disseminate"
promulgate, spread, transmit, circulate, distribute, communicate, disperse

propagate [verb]

means "breed"
reproduce, generate, engender, father, multiply, procreate

propel [verb]

means "move"
launch, force, start, drive, urge

propel [verb]

means "catapult"
eject, project, discharge, shoot, hurl, toss

propellant [noun]

means "motor fuel"
petroleum, petrol, diesel

propelling [adjective]

means "moving"
driving, pushing, shifting, launching, urging

propensity [noun]

means "talent"
ability, capacity, competence

propensity [noun]

means "inclination"
partiality, bent, penchant, bias, predilection, disposition, leaning

proper [adjective]

means "property"
correct, accurate, exact, formal, just, precise, strict

proper [adjective]

means "characteristic"
personal, individual, peculiar, special, specific, suitable, adapted, just, appropriate, becoming, befitting, convenient, correct

properly [object]

means "accurately"
correctly, well, skillfully, decently, efficiently

property [noun]

means "possessions"
belongings, equity, assets, effects, holdings, estate

property [noun]

means "land"
acreage, tract, realty, real estate, grounds, frontage

property [noun]

means "characteristic"
trait, attribute, feature, quality

prophesy [verb]

means "forecast"
foresee, predict, envision, prognosticate, augur, anticipate

prophet [noun]

means "seer"
augur, clairvoyant, wizard, diviner

prophetic [adjective]

means "oracular"
auspicious, portentous, predicting, presaging, prescient

prophylactic [noun]

means "contraceptive"
sheath, preventive, safeguard

prophylactic [adjective]

means "preventive"
preventative, protective, contraceptive, sanitary, hygienic

prophylaxis [noun]

means "treatment"
prevention, precaution

propinquity [noun]

means "kinship"
relationship, tie, connection, affiliation, rapport, affinity

propitiate [verb]

means "satisfy"
mollify, placate, assuage, allay, appease, sate, slake

propitious [adjective]

means "favourably inclined"
agreeable, well-disposed, friendly, congenial, benevolent, gracious

propitious [adjective]

means "auspicious"
lucky, favourable, advantageous, promising, beneficial, hopeful, encouraging

proportion [verb]

means "balance"
apportion, adjust, arrange, harmonise, harmonize, regulate

proportion [noun]

means "size"
dimensions, extent

proportion [noun]

means "ratio"
percentage, quota

proportion [noun]

means "part"
piece, portion, share

proportion [noun]

means "balance"
agreement, arrangement, distribution, harmony, symmetry

proportional [adjective]

means "proportionate"
commensurate, balanced, equal, uniform, symmetrical, even

proportionate [adjective]

means "proportional"
commensurate, balanced, equal, uniform, symmetrical, even

proportions [noun]

means "confines"
range, dimension, size, scope

propose [verb]

means "suggest"
offer, propound, prefer, present, volunteer, proffer

propose [verb]

means "pose"
posit, present, propound, state

propose [verb]

means "nominate"

propose [verb]

means "intend"
design, mean, plan, purpose

proposed [adjective]

means "contracted"
engaged, obligated, reserved, booked, due

proposition [verb]

means "approach"
ask, accost, solicit

proposition [noun]

means "proposal"
presentation, plan, overture, scheme

propound [verb]

means "suggest"
offer, submit, advise, propose

proprietary [adjective]

means "exclusive"
restrictive, established, fashionable, sole

proprietor [noun]

means "owner"
possessor, landholder, landlord, master

propriety [noun]

means "etiquette"
decency, decorum, modesty, protocol

propulsion [noun]

means "impelling force"
impetus, shock, surge, thrust, stimulus, push, pressure

Apocalypse [noun]

means "revelation"
vision, prophesy, oracle, canon, edict, destruction

able [adjective]

means "means"
capable, apt, proper, adequate, competent, efficient

accost [verb]

means "approach"
proposition, halt, waylay, solicit, entice, confront

accurately [object]

means "well"
correctly, properly, skilfully, decently, efficiently

acre [noun]

means "land measurement"
plot, estate, area, property

acreage [noun]

means "land"
property, tract, realty, real estate, grounds, frontage

acumen [noun]

means "intellect"
ability, aptitude, brains, gift, propensity, talent

adapt [verb]

means "adjustment"
proportion, suit, tailor

adapted [adjective]

means "suitable"
proper, just, appropriate, becoming, befitting, convenient

adjust [verb]

means "fit"
accommodate, adapt, fashion, conform, order, proportion

advance [noun]

means "proposal"
offer, suggestion, offering, overture, proposition, tender

advertising [noun]

means "promotion"

affinity [noun]

means "kinship"
relationship, connection, tie, relation, propinquity, union

agreement [noun]

means "conformity"
accord, concord, harmony, peace, assent, proportion

aim [verb]

means "behaviour"
try, endeavour, attempt, propose, strive, intend

aimed [adjective]

means "intended"
proposed, trained, anticipated, set for, levelled, leveled [US]

anticipate [verb]

means "forecast"
foresee, predict, envision, prognosticate, augur, prophesy

appease [verb]

means "satisfy"
mollify, placate, assuage, allay, propitiate, sate

appease [verb]

means "conciliate"

appetite [noun]

means "liking"
relish, penchant, gusto, propensity, inclination, zest

aptitude [noun]

means "faculty"
propensity, talent, bent, capacity, capability, proficiency

assets [noun]

means "resources"
money, property, capital, cash, investment, means

astuteness [noun]

means "intellect"
ability, aptitude, brains, gift, propensity, talent

attribute [noun]

means "characteristic"
virtue, trait, quality, peculiarity, property, quirk

augury [noun]

means "prediction"
prophecy, anticipation, prognosis, forecast, prognostication, conjecture

auspicious [adjective]

means "advantageous"
beneficial, profitable, propitious, good, favourable, serviceable

average [verb]

means "equate"
proportion, equalise, equalize

becoming [adjective]

means "suitable"
appropriate, befitting, worthy, apt, correct, proper

belongings [noun]

means "possessions"
property, equity, assets, effects, holdings, estate

bid [verb]

means "invitation"
invite, offer, propose, tender, proffer

bid [noun]

means "thing"
offer, proposition, declaration, proposal, essay, suggestion

bill [noun]

means "law"
act, draft, proposed law, measure, proposal

booked [adjective]

means "contracted"
engaged, obligated, reserved, proposed, due

broach [verb]

means "bring up"
propose, suggest, introduce, moot, ventilate

call [noun]

means "invitation"
proposal, signal

capability [noun]

means "faculty"
propensity, talent, bent, capacity, aptitude, proficiency

capital [noun]

means "resources"
money, property, assets, cash, investment, means

carry [verb]

means "activity"
drive, conduct, impel, propel, urge, lead

cast [noun]

means "creed"
fortune, prediction, lot, conjecture, forecast, prophesy

cast [noun]

means "character trait"
inclination, bent, proclivity, tendency, propensity, leaning

ceremony [noun]

means "decorum"
etiquette, politeness, propriety, protocol, conformity

character [noun]

means "characteristic"
quality, property, make-up, constitution, mannerism, features

characteristic [noun]

means "attribute"
peculiarity, idiosyncrasy, distinction, quality, feature, property

chaste [adjective]

means "virtuous"
moral, proper, honest, decent, wholesome, straight

choice [noun]

means "wish"
desire, propensity, volition, pleasure, preference, taste

comparative [adjective]

means "relative"
correspondent, proportionate, comparable, applicable, pertinent, dependent

comparison [noun]

means "resemblance"
metaphor, proportion, correlation, likeness, similarity, likening

compatibility [noun]

means "harmony"
consonance, proportion, concord, balance, agreement, cohesion

composition [noun]

means "arrangement"
form, symmetry, proportion, harmony, consonance, agreement

conciliate [verb]

means "appease"

concord [noun]

means "peace"
peacefulness, serenity, harmony, tranquillity, proportion, symmetry

congenial [adjective]

means "compatible"
adapted, suitable, well-suited, congruous, proper, suited

congruous [adjective]

means "appropriate"
fit, fitting, proper, becoming, seemly, decorous

contemplation [noun]

means "intention"
design, purpose, plan, proposal, ambition

contiguity [noun]

means "proximity"
vicinity, closeness, nearness, propinquity, intimacy, approximation

contraceptive [adjective]

means "preventive"
preventative, protective, prophylactic, sanitary, hygienic

conventional [adjective]

means "seemly"
decorous, sanctioned, conformant, established, conformist, proper

correct [adjective]

means "nice"
just, seemly, proper, suitable, staid, becoming

correctly [adjective]

means "rightly"
precisely, accurately, properly

creditable [adjective]

means "reputable"
honourable, equitable, estimable, proper, right

custom [noun]

means "convention"
order, proprieties, manner, form, way, formality

customs [noun]

means "protocol"
etiquette, proprieties, decorum, rules, manners

decent [adjective]

means "property"
fit, proper

decently [object]

means "morally"
honourably, justly, properly, scrupulously, conscientiously

defensible [adjective]

means "justifiable"
permissible, proper, fit, logical

degree [noun]

means "quantity"
proportion, rate, ratio, scale

demands [noun]

means "claim"
warning, command, proposition, proposal, requirements, mandate

design [verb]

means "activity"
mean, intend, propose, purpose

design [noun]

means "thing"
plan, arrangement, project, lay out, proposal, map, proposition, scheme

destine [verb]

means "intend"
design, propose, reserve, dedicate

diesel [noun]

means "motor fuel"
petroleum, propellant, petrol

dimensions [noun]

means "measurements"
size, extent, height, length, proportions, width

divine [verb]

means "predict"
forebode, forecast, prophesy, prognosticate

diviner [noun]

means "seer"
prophet, magician, sorcerer, witch, sorceress

drive [verb]

means "activity"
propel, punch

earmark [noun]

means "characteristic"
attribute, feature, property, quality

earned [adjective]

means "deserved"
merited, warranted, fitting, proper, justified, fit

effects [noun]

means "personal property"
property, chattel, possessions, baggage, valuables

envision [verb]

means "forecast"
foresee, predict, anticipate, prognosticate, augur, prophesy

equity [noun]

means "money"
investment, property, outlay

estate [noun]

means "real estate"
realty, property, holdings, land, farm, plantation

estimate [verb]

means "predict"
reckon, consider, suppose, prophesy, expect, surmise

expediency [noun]

means "appropriateness"
fitness, suitability, propriety, desirability

expedient [adjective]

means "appropriate"
due, desirable, fit, proper, suitable

facilitate [verb]

means "appease"
conciliate, ease, favour, propitiate

fanfare [noun]

means "advertising"

favor [verb]

means "appease"
conciliate, ease, facilitate, propitiate

favour [verb]

means "appease"
conciliate, ease, facilitate, propitiate

favourable [adjective]

means "auspicious"
advantageous, benign, predisposed, bright, fortunate, propitious

feature [noun]

means "characteristic"
notability, mark, peculiarity, property, trait

fit [adjective]

means "characteristic"
meet, proper

fitness [noun]

means "suitability"
aptness, pertinence, seemliness, propriety, appropriateness, correspondence

fitting [adjective]

means "suitable"
appropriate, proper, fit, becoming, due, apt

fittingly [object]

means "suitably"
appropriately, right, properly, fitly

force [verb]

means "action"
drive, impel, propel

foreboding [adjective]

means "ominous"
portentous, inauspicious, prophetic, forewarning, threatening, ill-fated

forecast [noun]

means "prediction"
prophecy, anticipation, prognosis, augury, prognostication, conjecture

foresee [verb]

means "forecast"
anticipate, predict, envision, prognosticate, augur, prophesy

fortunate [adjective]

means "happy"
advantageous, favoured, lucky, propitious, prosperous, successful

friendly [adjective]

means "favourable"
advantageous, beneficial, amicable, helpful, propitious

genius [noun]

means "intellect"
ability, aptitude, brains, gift, propensity, talent

gentility [noun]

means "gentry"
aristocracy, refinement, decorum, breeding, propriety

get [verb]

means "reproduction"
beget, generate, procreate, produce, breed, propagate

good [adjective]

means "property"
advantageous, beneficial, profitable, propitious, auspicious, favourable

goods [noun]

means "possessions"
belongings, effects, property, equipment, furniture, chattel

graft [verb]

means "insert a shoot"
join, implant, unite, propagate

grow [verb]

means "nature"
cultivate, nurture, raise, tend, foster, propagate

happy [adjective]

means "characteristic"
fortunate, advantageous, favoured, lucky, propitious, prosperous

healing [adjective]

means "medical"
pharmaceutical, curative, restorative, prophylactic, preventative

healthy [adjective]

means "healthful"
beneficial, bracing, fit, prophylactic, hygienic, invigorating

holder [noun]

means "person in possession"
owner, possessor, resident, proprietor, renter, dweller

holding [noun]

means "land"
estate, property, acreage, possessions, security

holdings [noun]

means "real estate"
realty, property, estate, land, farm, plantation

honorable [adjective]

means "reputable"
creditable, equitable, estimable, proper, right

honourable [adjective]

means "reputable"
creditable, equitable, estimable, proper, right

hurl [verb]

means "throw"

idiosyncrasy [noun]

means "attribute"
peculiarity, characteristic, distinction, quality, feature, property

ill-fated [adjective]

means "ominous"
foreboding, inauspicious, prophetic, forewarning, threatening, portentous

impregnate [verb]

means "make pregnant"
produce, reproduce, propagate, procreate, knock up

incidence [noun]

means "direction of fall"
tendency, drift, degree, slope, proportion, line

inclination [noun]

means "preference"
tendency, propensity, proclivity, predilection, penchant, bent

initiated [adjective]

means "instituted"
established, started, proposed, opened

instil [verb]

means "teach"
preach, tutor, enlighten, school, propagandize, disseminate

intellect [noun]

means "genius"
ability, aptitude, brains, gift, propensity, talent

investment [noun]

means "resources"
money, property, assets, cash, capital, means

just [adjective]

means "property"
accurate, exact, correct, true, proper, regular

justifiable [adjective]

means "defensible"
permissible, proper, fit, logical

justified [adjective]

means "deserved"
earned, warranted, fitting, proper, merited, fit

land [noun]

means "possession"
property, real estate, estate, tract, acreage

largeness [noun]

means "extent"
amount, magnitude, greatness, mass, vastness, proportions

launch [verb]

means "send forth"
thrust, propel, eject, lance, drive

lay out [verb]

means "plan"
arrange, project, design, propose, map, scheme

leaning [noun]

means "tendency"
partiality, propensity, predilection, penchant, predisposition, bias

legitimate [adjective]

means "regular"
reasonable, sensible, valid, logical, proper, correct

liking [noun]

means "affection"
fondness, favour, partiality, preference, tendency, propensity

make amends [verb]

means "conciliate"

mannerism [noun]

means "characteristic"
quality, property, make-up, constitution, character, feature

mean [verb]

means "anticipation"
intend, propose, contemplate, anticipate, expect, design

means [noun]

means "wealth"
resources, property, revenue, income, substance, wherewithal

measurement [noun]

means "dimensions"
area, proportions, size, extent, magnitude, scope

medical [adjective]

means "healing"
pharmaceutical, curative, restorative, prophylactic, preventative

meet [adjective]

means "property"
suitable, appropriate, apt, fitting, proper, suited

merited [adjective]

means "deserved"
earned, warranted, fitting, proper, justified, fit

metaphor [noun]

means "resemblance"
comparison, proportion, correlation, likeness, similarity, likening

modest [adjective]

means "character trait"
decent, chaste, proper, demure, prudish, pure

modest [adjective]

means "behaviour"
humble, becoming, decent, moderate, proper, unpretentious

money [noun]

means "possession"
assets, capital, funds, property, riches, wealth

morally [adjective]

means "decently"
honourably, justly, properly, scrupulously, conscientiously

motion [verb]

means "matter"
suggestion, proposition, consideration, plan

movables [noun]

means "possessions"
belongings, effects, goods, assets, property, wares

move [verb]

means "speech"
propose, bring forward, submit, bring up, introduce, recommend

move [verb]

means "activity"
propel, rouse

multiply [verb]

means "reproduce"
propagate, generate, populate, produce

nearness [noun]

means "proximity"
vicinity, closeness, contiguity, propinquity, intimacy, approximation

nomination [noun]

means "presentation"
submission, proposal, suggestion

notability [noun]

means "characteristic"
feature, mark, peculiarity, property, trait

offer [verb]

means "proposal"
suggest, propound, submit, advise, propose

offer [noun]

means "proposal"

offering [noun]

means "bid"
submission, proposal, offer, suggestion, presentation, proposition

official [adjective]

means "customary"

ominous [adjective]

means "dismal"
foreboding, impending, significant, presaging, prophetic, imminent

oracle [noun]

means "seer"
prophet, soothsayer

oracle [noun]

means "revelation"
vision, prophesy, apocalypse, canon, edict

overture [noun]

means "proposal"
advance, offer, presentation, opening, proposition

owner [noun]

means "person"
proprietor, holder, landlord, possessor, landholder, buyer

part [noun]

means "quantity"
allotment, quota, proportion, apportionment, concern, dividend

participation [noun]

means "allotment"
quota, proportion, apportionment, concern, dividend, interest

pass [noun]

means "proposal"
advance, lunge, approach, thrust, proposition

peculiar [adjective]

means "characteristic"
appropriate, especial, exclusive, individual, particular, proper

peculiarity [noun]

means "characteristic"
notability, mark, feature, property, trait

petrol [noun]

means "motor fuel"
petroleum, propellant, diesel

pharmaceutical [adjective]

means "healing"
medical, curative, restorative, prophylactic, preventative

pimp [verb]

means "seduce"
entice, accost, proposition, procure, approach

placate [verb]

means "satisfy"
mollify, appease, assuage, allay, propitiate, sate

plan [verb]

means "activity"
plot, propose, arrange, blueprint, delineate, concoct

plantation [noun]

means "real estate"
realty, property, holdings, land, farm, estate

plight [verb]

means "pledge"
engage, propose

plot [verb]

means "activity"
outline, draft, propose, consider, sketch

populate [verb]

means "reproduce"
propagate, generate, multiply, produce

portentous [adjective]

means "ominous"
foreboding, inauspicious, prophetic, forewarning, threatening, ill-fated

pose [verb]

means "profess"
assert, propound, pretend, state, make

posit [verb]

means "pose"
propose, present, propound, state

position [noun]

means "assertion"
view, contention, dictum, doctrine, principle, proposition

possessor [noun]

means "owner"
proprietor, holder, landlord, master, mistress, purchaser

predict [verb]

means "forecast"
foresee, anticipate, envision, prognosticate, augur, prophesy

predilection [noun]

means "faculty"
propensity, talent, bent, capacity, capability, proficiency

prefigure [verb]

means "foretell"
forecast, foreshadow, prophesy, portend, predict, presage

premise [noun]

means "assumption"
postulate, supposition, basis, proposition, evidence, proof

presage [verb]

means "foretell"
forecast, foreshadow, prophesy, portend, predict, prefigure

prescience [noun]

means "prediction"
prophecy, anticipation, prognosis, augury, prognostication, conjecture

presence [noun]

means "closeness"
propinquity, nearness, neighbourhood, proximity, vicinity

principle [noun]

means "postulate"
axiom, source, fundamental, law, maxim, proposition

proclivity [noun]

means "faculty"
propensity, talent, bent, capacity, capability, proficiency

produce [verb]

means "bear"
afford, propagate, blossom, bring forth, generate, furnish

proffer [verb]

means "offer"
extend, volunteer, tender, propose, bring forward, donate

proficiency [noun]

means "faculty"
propensity, talent, bent, capacity, capability, aptitude

profitable [adjective]

means "advantageous"
beneficial, good, propitious, auspicious, favourable, serviceable

prognosis [noun]

means "prediction"
prophecy, anticipation, forecast, augury, prognostication, conjecture

prognosticate [verb]

means "forecast"
foresee, predict, envision, anticipate, augur, prophesy

prognostication [noun]

means "prediction"
prophecy, anticipation, prognosis, augury, forecast, conjecture

project [verb]

means "throw"
cast, pitch, heave, toss, propel

project [noun]

means "plan"
proposition, design, aim, intention, proposal, scheme

promotion [noun]

means "advertising"

prompt [verb]

means "assistance"
hint, assist, prod, suggest, propose, aid

prompt [verb]

means "action"
push, press, drive, admonish, propel, impel

prosperous [adjective]

means "fortunate"
auspicious, bright, favourable, golden, lucky, propitious

protocol [noun]

means "customs"
etiquette, proprieties, decorum, rules, manners

proximity [noun]

means "closeness"
propinquity, nearness, neighbourhood, presence, vicinity

prudish [adjective]

means "decent"
chaste, proper, demure, modest, pure, virtuous

publicity [noun]

means "advertising"

purpose [verb]

means "intend"
contemplate, aim, design, mean, plan, propose

push [verb]

means "activity"
shove, drive, propel, bulldoze, move, impel

push [noun]

means "impact"
shove, force, propulsion, thrust, bearing

quality [noun]

means "characteristic"

raise [verb]

means "activity"
propagate, give rise to

rate [noun]

means "frequency"
incidence, occurrence, proportion, fraction, ratio, standard

real estate [noun]

means "estate"
realty, property, holdings, land, farm, plantation

realty [noun]

means "real estate"
estate, property, holdings, land, farm, plantation

recommendation [noun]

means "advice"
counsel, suggestion, direction, proposal, approbation, endorsement

reconcile [verb]

means "appease"

relative [adjective]

means "comparative"
correspondent, proportionate, comparable, applicable, pertinent, dependent

reproduce [verb]

means "multiply"
propagate, generate, beget, breed, procreate

requirements [noun]

means "final"
warning, command, proposition, proposal, ultimatum, mandate

resources [noun]

means "capital"
money, property, assets, cash, investment, means

respectable [adjective]

means "respected"
reputable, honourable, decent, honest, proper, creditable

respected [adjective]

means "respectable"
reputable, honourable, decent, honest, proper, creditable

revelation [noun]

means "divine manifestation"
apocalypse, divination, oracle, adumbration, prophecy

right [object]

means "manner"
suitably, appropriately, fittingly, properly, fitly

right [adjective]

means "property"
suitable, appropriate, proper, correct, convenient, fit, correct, precise, valid, accurate, true, proper

rightful [adjective]

means "fair"
equitable, ethical, upright, just, scrupulous, proper

rocket [noun]

means "space"
spacecraft, booster, propulsion

sate [verb]

means "satisfy"
mollify, placate, assuage, allay, propitiate, appease

seemly [adjective]

means "appropriate"
timely, befitting, fit, fitting, right, proper

send [verb]

means "action"
throw, hurl, cast, propel, toss, project

shove [verb]

means "push"
drive, propel, bulldoze, move, impel, elbow

size [noun]

means "quantity"
proportions, largeness

slake [verb]

means "satisfy"
mollify, placate, assuage, allay, propitiate, sate

slide [verb]

means "activity"
shove, thrust, push, propel, ram, impel

solicit [verb]

means "seduce"
entice, accost, proposition, procure, approach, prostitute

soothsayer [noun]

means "fortune-teller"
diviner, oracle, prophet, seer, mystic

sorceress [noun]

means "seer"
prophet, magician, sorcerer, witch, diviner

sound [adjective]

means "property"
proper, correct, right, orthodox, valid, legal

spacecraft [noun]

means "rocket"
booster, propulsion

spread [verb]

means "language"
proclaim, declare, divulge, publish, propagate, disburse

submit [verb]

means "offer"
volunteer, proffer, suggest, propose, present, affirm

suggest [verb]

means "offer"
propound, submit, advise, propose

suggestion [noun]

means "proposal"
idea, thought, advice, proposition, recommendation, counsel

suit [verb]

means "activity"
adapt, fashion, shape, proportion, adjust, conform

theme [noun]

means "subject"
topic, point, thesis, issue, motif, proposition

throw [verb]

means "action"
launch, propel

thrust [noun]

means "drive"

trait [noun]

means "quality"
attribute, peculiarity, idiosyncrasy, distinction, feature, property

traveling [adjective]

means "moving"
sliding, shifting, propelling, driving, shooting, being discharged

true [adjective]

means "quality"
proper, appropriate, fitting, right, desired

turn [noun]

means "ability"
talent, proclivity, inclination, bent, propensity, tendency

twist [noun]

means "emphasis"
propensity, bent, bias, proclivity, turn

ultimatum [noun]

means "final"
warning, command, proposition, proposal, requirements, mandate

unpretentious [adjective]

means "humble"
becoming, decent, moderate, proper, modest, retiring

vicinity [noun]

means "closeness"
propinquity, nearness, neighbourhood, proximity, presence

virtuous [adjective]

means "chaste"
moral, proper, honest, decent, wholesome, straight

volition [noun]

means "wish"
desire, propensity, choice, pleasure, preference, taste

volunteer [verb]

means "offer"
extend, proffer, tender, propose, bring forward, donate

warranted [adjective]

means "regular"
reasonable, sensible, valid, logical, proper, correct

wealth [noun]

means "possession"
property, resources

well [object]

means "property"
appropriately, reasonably, suitably, properly, judiciously

well [object]

means "manner"
accurately, correctly, properly, skilfully, decently, efficiently

well [adjective]

means "characteristic"
fitting, appropriate, proper, suitable, befitting

wherewithal [noun]

means "wealth"
resources, property, revenue, income, substance, means

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