
Synonym for sup [verb]

The synonym sup synonymous definition words:
means "swallow"
consume, imbibe, gulp, drink, quaff, suck, toss
- conjugate verb sup
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Further results for the word "sup"

drink [verb]

means "activity"
swallow, consume, imbibe, gulp, sup, quaff

lunch [verb]

means "activity"
eat, dine, sup, ingest, feast, take a break

quaff [verb]

means "swallow"
consume, imbibe, gulp, sup, drink, suck

in support of [adjective]

means "in favour of"
sanctioning, supporting, backing, funding

presuppose [verb]

means "presume"
infer, give, assume, suppose, deem, believe

superabundant [adjective]

means "over-abundant"
plentiful, abounding, profuse, plenteous, plethoric, extreme, lavish

superannuated [adjective]

means "old-fashioned"
dated, antiquated, antique, obsolescent, obsolete, old-time

superb [adjective]

means "beautiful"
splendid, marvellous, magnificent, excellent, impressive, grand

supercilious [adjective]

means "haughty"
arrogant, disdainful, cavalier, lofty

supererogatory [adjective]

means "superfluous"
gratuitous, wanton, nonessential, uncalled-for, unasked

superficiality [noun]

means "shallowness"
triviality, frivolity, pettiness

superfluity [noun]

means "redundancy"

superfluous [adjective]

means "surplus"
excessive, overflowing, excess, plethoric, redundant

superimpose [verb]

means "cover"
carpet, lay on top

superintend [verb]

means "rule"
control, dominate, govern, command, oversee, lead, supervise

superior [noun]

means "senior"
better, elder

superior [adjective]

means "greater"
preferred, exceptional, higher, over, excellent, premium

superlative [adjective]

means "gifted"
excellent, accomplished, talented, consummate, superb, superior, distinguished

supersede [verb]

means "substitute"
commute, invert, replace, exchange, swap, switch, alternate

superstar [noun]

means "leader of the pack"
master, authority, mogul, leader, tycoon, king, top dog

superstitious [adjective]

means "believing in superstitions"
irrational, obsessed, apprehensive, haunted, credulous, possessed, fearful

supervene [verb]

means "ensue"
follow, succeed

supervise [verb]

means "overlook"
scan, oversee, survey, scrutinise, scrutinize, superintend, inspect, examine

supervision [noun]

means "perception"
observation, attention, view, surveillance, notice, regard, looking

supervisor [noun]

means "director"
executive, operator, administrator

supine [adjective]

means "prone"
prostrate, reclining, recumbent, horizontal, flat

supine [adjective]

means "inactive"
passive, inert, sluggish, lethargic, listless, motionless, lifeless

supper [noun]

means "cooking"
meal, dinner, repast, feast, banquet, refection

supplant [verb]

means "exchange"
interchange, switch, substitute, replace

supple [adjective]

means "obsequious"
servile, grovelling, fawning, cringing, slavish, sycophantic

supple [adjective]

means "flexible"
elastic, pliable, pliant, compliant, limber, lithesome, lissome

supplement [verb]

means "augment"
enhance, enrich, fortify, increase, add to, complement

supplement [noun]

means "addendum"
addition, appendix, subsidiary, complement, extension, sequel, continuation

supplementary [adjective]

means "additional"
subsidiary, auxiliary, ancillary, secondary, accessory, appurtenant, subordinate

suppliant [noun]

means "supplicant"
petitioner, beggar, suitor

supplicant [noun]

means "mendicant"
beggar, sponge, moocher, almsman

supplicate [verb]

means "appeal for"
appeal, request, seek, beg, desire, beseech, entreat

supplication [noun]

means "entreaty"
appeal, invocation, bid, petition, prayer, request

supplied [adjective]

means "furnished"
outfitted, given, equipped, provided, rigged, endowed, included

supplies [noun]

means "hidden reserve"
collection, treasure, hoard, cache, reserve, wealth

supply [verb]

means "activity"
furnish, equip, provide, stock, fill, replenish, fulfil, satisfy

supply [noun]

means "amount"
stock, quantity, inventory, reserve, accumulation, store, fund, hoard

supplying [noun]

means "provision"

support [verb]

means "verify"
confirm, substantiate, corroborate, establish

support [verb]

means "uphold"
sustain, champion, hold up, side, bear, backstop

support [verb]

means "maintain"
sustain, keep up, prop, buoy, provide for, nourish, nurture

support [verb]

means "help"
aid, assist, advocate, maintain, relieve, succour, abet

support [verb]

means "endure"
tolerate, undergo, bear, stand, put up with, stomach, go through

support [verb]

means "advocate"
endorse, back, uphold, further, forward, bear up, defend

support [noun]

means "livelihood"
provision, sustenance, living, subsistence, keep, maintenance

support [noun]

means "brace"
prop, column, mainstay, buttress, strut, stay

support [noun]

means "aid"
assistance, help, relief, succour

supportable [adjective]

means "tolerable"
sufferable, endurable, livable, bearable, acceptable, excusable

supportable [adjective]

means "tenable"
defensible, confirmed, reliable, arguable

supporter [noun]

means "fan"
disciple, follower, adherent, advocate, booster, upholder, ally

supporter [noun]

means "backer"
benefactor, champion, sponsor, defender, patron, helper

supporting [adjective]

means "aiding"
helpful, auxiliary, helping, cooperating, assisting, sustaining, assistant

suppose [verb]

means "presume"
infer, give, presuppose, assume, deem, believe

supposedly [object]

means "as if"
evidently, apparently, just as though, as though, presumably

supposing [object]

means "assuming"
presuming, supposed

suppositional [adjective]

means "theoretical"
conjectural, speculative, academic

suppositious [adjective]

means "supposed"
imaginary, hypothetical, assumed, conjectural, illegitimate, deceptive, false

suppress [verb]

means "put down"
subdue, overpower, repress, restrain, curb, quell, contain

suppress [verb]

means "conceal"
hide, censor, bury, cover up, contain, expurgate

supremacy [noun]

means "dominance"
prevalence, superiority, advantage, leverage, precedence

supreme [adjective]

means "ideal"
exquisite, perfect, total, transcendent, consummate, ripe, ultimate

Nazi [adjective]

means "authoritarian"
peremptory, supreme, autarchic, autocratic, strict, despotic

abate [verb]

means "annul"
disallow, nullify, remove, repress, suppress, suspend

abatement [noun]

means "end"
remission, cessation, ending, suppression, termination

abet [verb]

means "aid"
help, assist, support, uphold, back, befriend

above [object]

means "position"

absolute [adjective]

means "authoritarian"
peremptory, supreme, autarchic, autocratic, strict, despotic

academic [adjective]

means "theoretical"
conjectural, speculative, suppositional

accommodate [verb]

means "serve"

accompany [verb]

means "be an appendage to"
supplement, complete, add to, fill

accomplish [verb]

means "achieve"
supplement, fulfil

accumulation [noun]

means "heap"
hoard, pile, quantity, mass, supply

acolyte [noun]

means "assistant"
aide, helper, supporter, servant, colleague, aid

add to [verb]

means "be an appendage to"
supplement, complete, accompany, fill

additional [adjective]

means "excess"
extra, spare, superfluous, reserved

adhesive tape [noun]

means "glue"
super glue, epoxy, adhesive, mucilage, sticky tape

adjunct [noun]

means "addition"
accessory, appendix, appendage, attachment, supplement

administration [noun]

means "management"
government, supervision, organisation, organization, command, authority

admirable [adjective]

means "excellent"
marvellous, noble, splendid, superb, great, good

advantage [noun]

means "dominance"
prevalence, superiority, supremacy, leverage, precedence

advocate [verb]

means "defend"
urge, promote, support, advance, uphold

affiliated [adjective]

means "dependent"
supporting, ancillary, subordinate, collateral

aid [noun]

means "people"
assistant, aide, helper, supporter, servant, colleague

aiding [adjective]

means "auxiliary"
helpful, supporting, helping, cooperating, assisting, sustaining

alimony [noun]

means "subsistence"
livelihood, support, keep, food

alleged [adjective]

means "purported"
so-called, supposed, ostensible, pretended

ally [noun]

means "people"
associate, supporter, backer, accessory, partner, confederate

aloft [object]

means "higher"
above, on top of, overhead, beyond, over, superior

amendment [noun]

means "legislative addition"
bill, measure, act, revision, rider, supplement

anchor [noun]

means "thing"
base, mainstay, support, hold, weight, stay

ancillary [adjective]

means "additional"
subsidiary, supplementary, auxiliary, secondary, accessory, appurtenant

another [adjective]

means "additional"
one more, added, supplementary, extra

antique [adjective]

means "old-fashioned"
dated, antiquated, superannuated, obsolescent, obsolete, old-time

appeal [noun]

means "permission"
entreaty, supplication, invocation, bid, petition, prayer

append [verb]

means "addition"
input, take on, suffix, supplement

appoint [verb]

means "equip"
accoutre, apparel, outfit, rig, supply, decorate

appreciative [adjective]

means "sympathetic"
sensitive, supportive, understanding, favourable, enlightened, cordial

approve [verb]

means "appreciate"
favour, commend, applaud, value, support, praise

archaic [adjective]

means "antiquated"
ancient, superannuated, antediluvian, old, prehistoric, antique

archangel [noun]

means "heavenly spirit"
seraph, cherub, supernatural being, spirit, angel

archetypal [adjective]

means "classic"
excellent, standard, superior, typical, consummate, model

as though [object]

means "as if"
evidently, apparently, just as though, supposedly, presumably

assisting [adjective]

means "aiding"
helpful, supporting, helping, cooperating, auxiliary, sustaining

assume [verb]

means "acknowledgement"
presume, infer, give, presuppose, suppose, deem

august [adjective]

means "noble"
eminent, venerable, princely, elegant, superb, glorious

authorisation [noun]

means "sanction"
authorization, support, ratification, decree, permission, writ

authoritarian [adjective]

means "absolute"
peremptory, supreme, autarchic, autocratic, strict, despotic

authority [noun]

means "command"
power, strength, sway, influence, control, supremacy

authorization [noun]

means "authorisation"
sanction, support, ratification, decree, permission, writ

auxiliary [adjective]

means "aiding"
helpful, supporting, helping, cooperating, assisting, sustaining

auxiliary [adjective]

means "additional"
subsidiary, supplementary, ancillary, secondary, accessory, appurtenant

back [verb]

means "behaviour"
support, help, uphold, abet, further, aid

backer [noun]

means "defender"
sponsor, protector, supporter, partisan, ally, champion

backing [noun]

means "help"
subsidy, aid, encouragement, support, assistance, relief

backlog [noun]

means "reserve"
supply, quantity, stock, batch, queue

backstop [verb]

means "uphold"
sustain, champion, hold up, side, bear, support

bank [noun]

means "amount"
reserve, stockpile, supply, deposit, hoard, store

baroque [adjective]

means "decorated"
flashy, adorned, ornate, superficial, elaborate, lavish

base [noun]

means "principle"
element, essence, root, basis, core, support

basis [noun]

means "base"
foundation, support, bedrock, ground, element, bottom

be quiet [verb]

means "quiet"
hush, silence, muffle, mute, stifle, suppress

bear [verb]

means "behaviour"
support, hold up under, shoulder, sustain, uphold, carry on

bear up [verb]

means "advocate"
endorse, back, uphold, further, forward, support

bearable [adjective]

means "endurable"
sufferable, sustainable, tolerable, supportable, livable, passable

befriend [verb]

means "support"
aid, help, defend, supply, furnish, sustain

beggar [noun]

means "mendicant"
supplicant, sponge, moocher, almsman

behalf [noun]

means "interest"
part, welfare, support, profit, favour, concern

believe [verb]

means "assume"
suppose, gather, guess, think, presume, have faith in

best [adjective]

means "comparison"
superlative, highest

better [adjective]

means "comparison"

boost [verb]

means "promote"
encourage, increase, heighten, support, expand, advertise

buoy [verb]

means "float"
sustain, uphold, support, raise, hold up

buttress [verb]

means "prop up"
bolster, support, sustain, brace

buttress [noun]

means "prop"
support, reinforcement, bolster

cache [noun]

means "hidden reserve"
collection, treasure, hoard, supplies, reserve, wealth

cadre [noun]

means "chassis"
scaffold, skeleton, framework, fabric, support, structure

calculate [verb]

means "presume"
anticipate, intend, suppose, assume, predict, judge

capital [adjective]

means "excellent"
first-rate, best, choice, superior, fine, splendid

care [noun]

means "relationship"
responsibility, custody, burden, supervision, guardianship, keeping

careless [adjective]

means "unconsidered"
unthinking, inconsiderate, negligent, superficial, unmindful, thoughtless

carpet [verb]

means "activity"
cover with carpet, superimpose

carry [verb]

means "action"
support, bear, shoulder, stand, suffer, sustain

cavalier [verb]

means "haughty"
arrogant, disdainful, supercilious, lofty

champion [verb]

means "defend"
protect, maintain, uphold, support, advocate

champion [noun]

means "defender"
sponsor, protector, supporter, partisan, ally, backer

changeable [adjective]

means "adaptable"
flexible, supple, movable, mobile, convertible, resilient

charge [noun]

means "protection"
care, keeping, supervision, custody, control, responsibility, management, superintendence

chassis [noun]

means "frame"
scaffold, skeleton, framework, fabric, support, structure

cheer [verb]

means "speech"
yell, acclaim, shout, root, support, salute

cherish [verb]

means "nourish"
nurse, nurture, support, sustain, succour, shelter

cherub [noun]

means "heavenly spirit"
seraph, angel, supernatural being, spirit, archangel

chief [noun]

means "person"
head, captain, master, supervisor, commander, lord

choice [adjective]

means "property"
excellent, preferred, superior, exclusive, select, superlative

classic [adjective]

means "archetypal"
excellent, standard, superior, typical, consummate, model

codicil [noun]

means "addendum"
appendix, supplement, postscript, addition, rider

coerce [verb]

means "control"
tyrannize, suppress

collateral [adjective]

means "dependent"
supporting, ancillary, subordinate, affiliated

column [noun]

means "architecture"
pillar, post, obelisk, support, upright, monolith

command [verb]

means "rule"
control, dominate, govern, superintend, oversee, lead, supervise

commend [verb]

means "laud"

compel [verb]

means "bend"
suppress, bow, overpower, subdue, quash, subject

competence [noun]

means "sufficient means"
sufficiency, subsistence, income, provision, support, sustenance

complement [verb]

means "round out"
add to, fill out, complete, culminate, supplement, cap

complete [verb]

means "achieve"
supplement, fulfil

complete [adjective]

means "perfect"
exemplary, flawless, ideal, unblemished, model, superlative

confirm [verb]

means "strengthen"
fortify, reinforce, assure, support, establish, invigorate

confirmation [noun]

means "corroboration"
evidence, proof, documentation, support, verification

confirmatory [adjective]

means "affirmative"
acquiescent, agreeing, authorizing, sanctioning, supporting

conjectural [adjective]

means "hypothetical"
theoretical, speculative, doubtful, supposititious, presumptive, assumed

consider [verb]

means "regard"
adjudge, deem, hold, believe, reckon, suppose

consummate [adjective]

means "ideal"
exquisite, perfect, total, transcendent, supreme, ripe

consummate [adjective]

means "gifted"
excellent, accomplished, talented, superlative, superb, superior

contain [verb]

means "restrain"
keep back, hold, suppress, stop, stifle, check

contemplation [noun]

means "speculation"
conjecture, supposition

contemptuous [adjective]

means "condescending"

continuation [noun]

means "sequel"
supplement, instalment, complement, epilogue, addition, postscript

contribute [verb]

means "furnish"
provide, dispense, supply, bequest, confer, give away

contribution [noun]

means "addition"
improvement, increase, augmentation, supplement, subsidy, assistance

cool [adjective]

means "characteristic"

cooperating [adjective]

means "aiding"
helpful, supporting, helping, auxiliary, assisting, sustaining

crave [verb]

means "beg"
beseech, entreat, implore, solicit, supplicate

cry of distress [noun]

means "groan"
cry, complaint, moan, supplication, grunt

custody [noun]

means "care"
tutelage, supervision, trust, conservation, charge, ward

dated [adjective]

means "old-fashioned"
antique, antiquated, superannuated, obsolescent, obsolete, old-time

defend [verb]

means "action"
support, apologise, apologize, assert, exonerate, espouse

defender [noun]

means "champion"
sponsor, protector, supporter, partisan, ally, backer

dignify [verb]

means "elevate"
exalt, erect, support, ennoble, foster, promote

dinner [noun]

means "cooking"
meal, supper, repast, feast, banquet, refection

direction [noun]

means "management"
supervision, administration, regulation, control, command, superintendence

director [noun]

means "executive officer"
manager, supervisor, administrator, leader

disallow [verb]

means "annul"
abate, nullify, remove, repress, suppress, suspend

disdainful [adjective]

means "haughty"
arrogant, cavalier, supercilious, lofty

dispensation [noun]

means "management"
administration, regulation, supervision, direction

displace [verb]

means "replace"
supersede, cashier, dislodge, supplant, depose, transpose

documentation [noun]

means "corroboration"
evidence, proof, confirmation, support, verification

dominance [noun]

means "advantage"
prevalence, superiority, supremacy, leverage, precedence

dominion [noun]

means "ascendancy"
jurisdiction, reign, supremacy, sway, sovereignty, control

ductile [adjective]

means "pliable"
flexible, supple, impressionable, elastic, pliant, plastic

economy [noun]

means "management"
order, conduct, method, direction, system, supervision

eerie [adjective]

means "uncanny"
supernatural, awesome, ghostly, strange, weird

effectuate [verb]

means "achieve"
supplement, fulfil

empire [noun]

means "politics"

empty [adjective]

means "character trait"
superficial, hypocritical, insincere, delusive, lone, dishonest

encouragement [noun]

means "helpfulness"
support, reassuring, motivation, enlivening, comfort, urging

encouragement [noun]

means "assistance"
aid, help, faith, comfort, support, sustaining

endorse [verb]

means "sanction or approve"
sanction, approve, ratify, confirm, guarantee, support

endurable [adjective]

means "bearable"
tolerable, sustainable, supportable

engineer [verb]

means "plan"
plot, mastermind, design, direct, manage, supervise

enhancement [noun]

means "encouragement"
improvement, support, patronage, furtherance, help, aid

ennoble [verb]

means "elevate"
dignify, erect, support, exalt, foster, promote

ensue [verb]

means "follow"
supervene, succeed, result

enthusiast [noun]

means "devotee"
monomaniac, partisan, bug, rooter, fan, supporter

entreaty [noun]

means "appeal"
supplication, invocation, bid, petition, prayer, request

equip [verb]

means "provide"
supply, fit out, implement, furnish, outfit, rig

espousal [noun]

means "advocacy"

espouse [verb]

means "advocate"
embrace, support, champion, defend, adopt, uphold

estimate [verb]

means "predict"
reckon, consider, suppose, prophesy, expect, surmise

estimating [noun]

means "calculating approximately"
reckoning, appraising, supposing

ethereal [adjective]

means "not earthly"
heavenly, divine, supernatural, unearthly, celestial, otherworldly

exalt [verb]

means "elevate"
dignify, erect, support, ennoble, foster, promote

excess [noun]

means "surplus"

excess [noun]

means "redundancy"

excess [adjective]

means "surplus"
excessive, overflowing, superfluous, plethoric, redundant

exemplary [adjective]

means "perfect"
complete, flawless, ideal, unblemished, model, superlative

exorbitant [noun]

means "excessive"
extravagant, unreasonable, superlative, immoderate, unfair, unjust

exterior [noun]

means "appearance"
outside, surface, aspect, skin, face, superficies

exterior [adjective]

means "extraneous"
peripheral, marginal, extrinsic, foreign, outlying, superficial

externally [object]

means "outwardly"
apparently, superficially

extol [verb]

means "laud"

extra [adjective]

means "addition"
spare, in reserve, auxiliary, supplementary, accessory, further

extraterrestrial [noun]

means "not human"
alien, inhuman, supernatural, satanic, eerie

extreme [adjective]

means "greatest"
exceptional, stupendous, highest, profound, surpassing, superlative

facile [adjective]

means "glib"
casual, trite, superficial, insincere

false [adjective]

means "characteristic"
ersatz, stand-in, substitute, supplementary

famous person [noun]

means "star"
celebrity, headliner, superstar, luminary

fan [noun]

means "person"
supporter, follower, amateur, admirer, aficionado, rooter

favor [verb]

means "aid"
assist, help, support

favour [verb]

means "aid"
assist, help, support

feed [verb]

means "activity"
nourish, nurture, supply, purvey, support, sustain

feed [noun]

means "thing"
food, fodder, supplies, forage, provisions, provender

fictitious [adjective]

means "imaginary"
chimerical, fanciful, fantastic, fictional, illusory, suppositious

figure [verb]

means "activity"
think, suppose, comprehend, reason, master, opine

fill [verb]

means "activity"
supply, execute, discharge, perform

first-rate [adjective]

means "excellent"
capital, best, choice, superior, fine, splendid

flamboyant [adjective]

means "decorated"
flashy, adorned, baroque, superficial, elaborate, lavish

flash [adjective]

means "property"
superficial, tawdry

flashy [adjective]

means "decorated"
ornate, adorned, baroque, superficial, elaborate, lavish

flawlessness [noun]

means "excellence"
ideal, perfection, superiority, faultlessness, incomparability, supremacy

flimsy [adjective]

means "ineffectual"
unsubstantial, superficial, poor, false, fallacious

fodder [noun]

means "food"
feed, supplies, forage, provisions, provender

follow [verb]

means "sequence"
ensue, supervene, succeed

follow [verb]

means "joining"
accompany, serve, attend, support

foment [verb]

means "aid"
feed, encourage, supply, nourish, sustain, foster

foreman [noun]

means "supervisor"
overseer, forelady, director, manager, superintendent, administrator

foster [verb]

means "raise"
breed, bring up, nourish, nurse, rear, support

frame [noun]

means "thing"
case, enclosure, span, support, chassis, scaffold, skeleton, framework, fabric, support

friend [noun]

means "person"

frivolous [adjective]

means "trivial"
flimsy, superficial, paltry, petty, trifling, unimportant

furtherance [noun]

means "encouragement"
improvement, support, patronage, promotion, help, aid

ghostly [adjective]

means "like an apparition"
ghostlike, spooky, haunted, supernatural, spiritual

gifted [adjective]

means "consummate"
excellent, accomplished, talented, superlative, superb, superior

gird [verb]

means "brace"
fortify, prepare, ready, steel, strengthen, support

give [verb]

means "action"
assign, suppose, assume

given [adjective]

means "granted"

glue [noun]

means "thing"
adhesive, epoxy, cement, super glue, mucilage, paste

go through [verb]

means "endure"

gorgeous [adjective]

means "magnificent"
grand, impressive, superb, dazzling, splendid, beautiful

govern [verb]

means "activity"
manage, handle, direct, guide, superintend, supervise

graceful [adjective]

means "characteristic"
smooth, elegant, supple, lithe, limber, lissome

grand [adjective]

means "magnificent"
splendid, sublime, superb, brilliant, gorgeous, impressive

greatest [adjective]

means "finest"
excellent, better, premium, best, peerless, superlative

groan [noun]

means "cry of distress"
cry, complaint, moan, supplication, grunt

guardian [noun]

means "keeper"
sponsor, warden, supervisor, trustee

guardianship [noun]

means "responsibility"
custody, burden, supervision, care, keeping, charge

guess [verb]

means "activity"
hypothesize, suppose, predicate, think

guess [noun]

means "anticipation"
presumption, supposition

handle [verb]

means "activity"
control, deal with, manage, operate, work, supervise

harbor [verb]

means "hide"
conceal, suppress, withhold, secrete

harbour [verb]

means "hide"
conceal, suppress, withhold, secrete

haughty [adjective]

means "cavalier"
arrogant, disdainful, supercilious, lofty

have faith in [verb]

means "assume"
suppose, gather, guess, think, presume, believe

head [verb]

means "activity"
direct, command, oversee, supervise, govern, manage

help [verb]

means "assistance"
aid, abet, assist, support, uphold, back

help [noun]

means "assistance"
aid, relief, support, succour, guidance, backing

helper [noun]

means "assistant"
aide, aid, supporter, servant, colleague, acolyte

helpfulness [noun]

means "encouragement"
support, reassuring, motivation, enlivening, comfort, urging

high [adjective]

means "character trait"
haughty, arrogant, supercilious, snobbish, lofty, proud

higher [adjective]

means "above"
aloft, on top of, overhead, beyond, over, superior

hold [verb]

means "activity"
support, sustain, last, adhere, attach, cling

hold up [verb]

means "float"
sustain, uphold, support, raise, buoy

hush [verb]

means "quiet"
be quiet, silence, muffle, mute, stifle, suppress

hypothesis [noun]

means "conjecture"

idea [noun]

means "view"
opinion, belief, judgment, supposition, sentiment

if [object]

means "part of speech"
provided, supposing, granting, in case, in the event, whether or not

ignorant [adjective]

means "shallow"
empty, superficial, rude, green

illegitimate [adjective]

means "bastardy"
bastard, fatherless, misbegotten, spurious, base-born, supposititious

imagine [verb]

means "understand"
assume, suppose, believe, expect, gather

imagine [verb]

means "think"
hypothesise, hypothesize, suppose, picture, conjecture, conceive

impressive [adjective]

means "magnificent"
grand, splendid, superb, dazzling, gorgeous, beautiful

in case [object]

means "provided"
supposing, granting, if, in the event, whether or not

in favor [adjective]

means "winning approval"
for it, not opposed, approving, supportive, enthusiastic, supporting

in favour [adjective]

means "winning approval"
approving, supportive, enthusiastic, supporting, favoured

in favour of [noun]

means "in support of"
sanctioning, supporting, backing, funding

inadvertent [adjective]

means "unconsidered"
unthinking, inconsiderate, negligent, superficial, unmindful, thoughtless

inconsiderate [adjective]

means "unconsidered"
unthinking, careless, negligent, superficial, unmindful, thoughtless

inference [noun]

means "deduction"
supposition, reason, judgment, illation

inhuman [adjective]

means "not human"
alien, extraterrestrial, supernatural, satanic, eerie

inimitable [adjective]

means "matchless"

insolent [adjective]

means "proud"
arrogant, cavalier, lofty, superior

inviting [adjective]

means "pleasant"
agreeable, delightful, superior, good, admirable, excellent

invocation [noun]

means "entreaty"
supplication, appeal, bid, petition, prayer, request

invoke [verb]

means "summon"
supplicate, call up, appeal to, entreat, beseech, beg

keep [noun]

means "accommodation"
subsistence, livelihood, support, alimony, food

keep back [verb]

means "restrain"
contain, hold, suppress, stop, stifle, check

keeper [noun]

means "guardian"
sponsor, warden, supervisor, trustee

king [noun]

means "person"
master, authority, mogul, leader, tycoon, superstar

laud [verb]

means "commend"

lay [verb]

means "action"
appease, allay, calm, quiet, still, suppress

leadership [noun]

means "authority"
control, administration, effectiveness, influence, superiority, supremacy

leg [noun]

means "thing"
support, brace, post, column, stake, pin

lend [verb]

means "action"
impart, confer, give, grant, contribute, supply

lethargic [adjective]

means "drowsy"
sleepy, listless, slow, inert, dormant, supine

leverage [noun]

means "dominance"
prevalence, superiority, supremacy, advantage, precedence

limber [adjective]

means "malleable"
flexible, pliant, pliable, yielding, supple, soft

livelihood [noun]

means "living"
work, sustenance, support, subsistence, vocation, business

living [noun]

means "profession"
livelihood, work, sustenance, support, subsistence, vocation

lofty [adjective]

means "exalted"

low [adjective]

means "state"
prone, prostrate, supine, dead

loyalist [noun]

means "patriot"
supporter, follower, chauvinist, advocate, adherent, devotee

luxury [noun]

means "quality"
superfluity, treat

lying [adjective]

means "prostrate"
prone, supine, reclining, flat, resting, horizontal

mainstay [noun]

means "brace"
prop, column, support, buttress, strut, stay

maintenance [noun]

means "sustenance"
support, subsistence, living, livelihood, provisions, victuals

majesty [noun]

means "sovereign power"
sovereignty, supremacy, power

major [adjective]

means "comparison"
greater, superior, dominant, larger, primary, capital

maker [noun]

means "the creator"
god, providence, almighty, supreme being

manage [verb]

means "rule"
guide, supervise

management [noun]

means "administration"
government, supervision, organisation, organization, command, authority

marvellous [adjective]

means "miraculous"
supernatural, phenomenal, unusual, astonishing, astounding, strange

marvelous [adjective]

means "wonderful"
remarkable, superb, unusual, magnificent

marvelous [adjective]

means "miraculous"
supernatural, phenomenal, unusual, astonishing, astounding, strange

mast [noun]

means "column"
post, pillar, prop, pole, support, upright

master [noun]

means "religion"
supreme being, god, messiah, christ

master [noun]

means "person"
supervisor, superintendent

master [adjective]

means "characteristic"

masterly [adjective]

means "skilful"
expert, superb, adroit, proficient, superior, excellent

mastermind [verb]

means "plan"
plot, engineer, design, direct, manage, supervise

matron [noun]

means "administrator"
superintendent, housemother, housekeeper, supervisor

means [noun]

means "backing"
support, resources

mendicant [noun]

means "beggar"
supplicant, almsman, leech, moocher, parasite, panhandler

minaret [noun]

means "column"
support, pillar, post, prop, pilaster, shaft

monitor [verb]

means "observe"
watch, regulate, supervise, oversee, control

monitor [noun]

means "adviser"
counsellor, director, supervisor, informant

monolith [noun]

means "pillar"
post, obelisk, support, upright, column, shaft

motivation [noun]

means "helpfulness"
support, reassuring, encouragement, enlivening, comfort, urging

muffle [verb]

means "dampen"
stifle, smother, quiet, mute, suppress, subdue

mysticism [noun]

means "spiritualism"
cabbalism, supernatural

needless [adjective]

means "unnecessary"
pointless, superfluous, dispensable, expendable, unessential, groundless

new [adjective]

means "addition"
increased, fresh, supplementary, further, extra

nice [adjective]

means "characteristic"
pleasant, agreeable, delightful, superior, good, admirable

nip [verb]

means "curtail"

not human [adjective]

means "inhuman"
alien, extraterrestrial, supernatural, satanic, eerie

nourish [verb]

means "nurture"
attend, nurse, support, sustain, tend

nourish [verb]

means "aid"
feed, encourage, supply, foment, sustain, foster

observation [noun]

means "perception"
supervision, attention, view, surveillance, notice, regard

obsolescent [adjective]

means "old-fashioned"
dated, antiquated, superannuated, antique, obsolete, old-time

occult [adjective]

means "mystical"
preternatural, metaphysical, psychic, supernatural, weird, mysterious

odds [noun]

means "advantage"
allowance, edge, benefit, difference, superiority, favour

old [adjective]

means "characteristic"
antiquated, ancient, superannuated, antediluvian, archaic, prehistoric

old-time [adjective]

means "old-fashioned"
dated, antiquated, superannuated, obsolescent, obsolete, antique

on the side of [adjective]

means "in favour of"
for, supporting, working with, helping

one more [adjective]

means "additional"
another, added, supplementary, extra

operation [noun]

means "administration"
guidance, superintendence, ordering, order, maintenance, supervision

operator [noun]

means "director"
executive, supervisor, administrator

opine [verb]

means "think"
suppose, comprehend, reason, master, figure

oppress [verb]

means "crush"
trample, overpower, smother, overwhelm, subdue, suppress

ornate [adjective]

means "decorated"
flashy, adorned, baroque, superficial, elaborate, lavish

ostensibly [object]

means "seemingly"
apparently, superficially, evidently, officially, outwardly, professedly

ostentatious [adjective]

means "flashy"
flaunting, gaudy, flash, pretentious, showy, superficial

otiose [adjective]

means "useless"

outfit [verb]

means "equip"
fit out, dress, furnish, supply, provide, stock

outlying [adjective]

means "extraneous"
peripheral, marginal, extrinsic, foreign, exterior, superficial

outmoded [adjective]

means "outdated"
obsolete, old-fashioned, passé, vintage, superannuated, old

outward [adjective]

means "apparent"
seeming, surface, visible, manifest, superficial, obvious

outwardly [adjective]

means "externally"
apparently, superficially

over [object]

means "position"
across, above, beyond, past, higher, superior

overbearing [adjective]

means "arrogant"
proud, haughty, insolent, imperious, egotistic, supercilious

overlay [verb]

means "cover"
superimpose, spread over, blanket, overcast, obscure, cap

overlook [verb]

means "supervise"
scan, oversee, survey, scrutinise, scrutinize, superintend

overseer [noun]

means "supervisor"
foreman, director, manager, superintendent, administrator

overstock [noun]

means "surplus"

palatial [adjective]

means "magnificent"
splendid, sublime, superb, brilliant, gorgeous, impressive

paltry [adjective]

means "trivial"
flimsy, superficial, frivolous, petty, trifling, unimportant

par excellence [adjective]

means "in the highest degree"
pre-eminent, excellent, prime, superior, supreme, foremost

patriarch [noun]

means "elderly person"
elder, older person, superior, master, senior, ancestor

pension [noun]

means "retirement income"
retirement, annuity, support, subsidy, payment, allowance

perfection [noun]

means "excellence"
ideal, flawlessness, superiority, faultlessness, incomparability, supremacy

peripheral [adjective]

means "unimportant"
superficial, minor, unnecessary, dispensable, unessential

persecution [noun]

means "oppression"
subjugation, tyranny, suppression, extermination, exile, expulsion

petition [noun]

means "appeal"

pilaster [noun]

means "column"
support, pillar, post, prop, minaret, shaft

plastic [adjective]

means "pliable"
flexible, supple, impressionable, elastic, pliant, ductile

plea [noun]

means "appeal"
request, entreaty, supplication, petition, overture, solicitation

plead [verb]

means "beg"
appeal, implore, beseech, entreat, solicit, supplicate

plethora [noun]

means "amount"
excess, superfluity, surplus

pliable [adjective]

means "flexible"
supple, limber, pliant, malleable, ductile, bending

pliant [adjective]

means "malleable"
flexible, yielding, pliable, limber, supple, soft

post [noun]

means "thing"
column, mast, pillar, prop, pole, support

postscript [noun]

means "sequel"
supplement, instalment, complement, epilogue, addition, continuation

postulate [verb]

means "assume"
suppose, conjecture, presume, theorise, theorize, posit

postulate [verb]

means "ask"

powerful [adjective]

means "authoritative"
almighty, dominant, omnipotent, supreme, commanding, authoritarian

prayer [noun]

means "wish"
entreaty, invocation, request, plea, supplication, appeal

prayer [noun]

means "religion"
act of devotion, benediction, invocation, supplication

pre-eminent [adjective]

means "predominant"
over, paramount, peerless, superior, supreme, surpassing

precedence [noun]

means "dominance"
prevalence, superiority, supremacy, leverage, advantage

preferred [adjective]

means "better"
improved, superior

prehistoric [adjective]

means "antiquated"
ancient, superannuated, antediluvian, archaic, old, antique

premise [verb]

means "postulate"
suppose, presuppose

premise [noun]

means "assumption"
postulate, supposition, basis, proposition, evidence, proof

premium [adjective]

means "prime"
excellent, superior, select

preponderance [noun]

means "majority"
ascendancy, primacy, supremacy, superiority, dominance, sovereignty

presume [verb]

means "assume"
infer, conclude, believe, presuppose, suppose

presumption [noun]

means "assumption"

prevailing [adjective]

means "effective"
effectual, efficacious, influential, successful, superior

prevalence [noun]

means "dominance"
advantage, superiority, supremacy, leverage, precedence

primacy [noun]

means "majority"
ascendancy, preponderance, supremacy, superiority, dominance, sovereignty

prime [adjective]

means "excellent"
unparalleled, superior, top, choice, best

professedly [object]

means "allegedly"
supposedly, ostensibly, falsely, slyly

promotion [noun]

means "encouragement"
improvement, support, patronage, furtherance, help, aid

provender [noun]

means "food"
fodder, supplies, forage, provisions, feed

provide [verb]

means "serve"

providing [object]

means "on condition that"
if, provided, supposing

providing [noun]

means "provision"

provision [noun]

means "preparation"
arrangement, supplying, procurement

purvey [verb]

means "nourish"
nurture, supply, feed, support, sustain, provide

putative [adjective]

means "commonly accepted"
accepted, supposed, reputed, presumed, assumed, so-called

quash [verb]

means "bend"
suppress, bow, overpower, subdue, compel, subject

quasi [adjective]

means "almost"
apparently, seeming, part, sort of, supposedly, semi

quell [verb]

means "subdue"

raise [verb]

means "activity"
nurture, rear, suckle, nourish, foster, support

ratify [verb]

means "approve"
support, sanction, endorse, confirm, allow, authorise

reassuring [noun]

means "helpfulness"
support, encouragement, motivation, enlivening, comfort, urging

reclining [adjective]

means "prostrate"
prone, supine, lying, flat, resting, horizontal

recourse [noun]

means "access"

recumbent [adjective]

means "prostrate"
prone, supine, reclining, flat, resting, horizontal

reduce [verb]

means "conflict"
defeat, conquer, overpower, overcome, subdue, suppress

redundancy [noun]

means "excess"

redundant [adjective]

means "surplus"
excessive, overflowing, superfluous, plethoric, excess

regard [verb]

means "consider"
estimate, surmise, deem, judge, look upon, suppose

reinforcement [noun]

means "supporting device"
supporter, brace, prop, support, beam, strut

relieve [verb]

means "aid"
assist, help, remedy, succour, support, sustain

remedy [noun]

means "medicine"
treatment, balm, support, physic, cure, solution

render [verb]

means "provide"
afford, contribute, minister, furnish, give, supply

repetitious [adjective]

means "boring"
redundant, superfluous, loquacious, prolix, profuse, wordy

replace [verb]

means "substitute"
supplant, succeed, supersede

reputed [adjective]

means "commonly accepted"
accepted, supposed, putative, presumed, assumed, so-called

request [verb]

means "ask"

request [noun]

means "inquiry"
solicitation, supplication, entreaty, petition, requisition, suit

reserve [noun]

means "savings"
assets, stock, resources, security, store, supply

resource [noun]

means "reserve"
source, supply, stock, store

restrain [verb]

means "check"

rib [noun]

means "thing"
vein, support, nerve, thread, venation, striation

rider [noun]

means "legislative addition"
bill, measure, act, revision, amendment, supplement

rig [verb]

means "equip"
accoutre, apparel, outfit, appoint, supply, decorate

rock [noun]

means "foundation"
support, footing, bedrock, bastion, solidity

round out [verb]

means "complement"
add to, fill out, complete, culminate, supplement, cap

royal [adjective]

means "property"
superior, magnificent

royalty [noun]

means "monarchy"
kingship, majesty, sovereignty, primacy, supremacy, dominion

safe [adjective]

means "state"
supported, upheld, sustained, preserved, defended, vindicated

sanction [verb]

means "approve"
support, ratify, endorse, confirm, allow, authorise

sanction [noun]

means "authorization"
authorisation, support, ratification, decree, permission, writ

saturation [noun]

means "fullness"
superabundance, plethora, engorgement, congestion, overload, absorption

savings [noun]

means "reserve"
assets, stock, resources, security, store, supply

scaffold [noun]

means "chassis"
frame, skeleton, framework, fabric, support, structure

scepter [noun]

means "sovereignty"
royalty, majesty, symbol of authority, reign, supremacy, power

sceptre [noun]

means "sovereignty"
royalty, majesty, reign, supremacy, power, command

senior [noun]

means "person"
elder, older person, superior, master, patriarch, ancestor

senior [adjective]

means "comparison"
older, elder, over and above, superior, more advanced

sequel [noun]

means "continuation"
supplement, instalment, complement, epilogue, addition, postscript

seraph [noun]

means "heavenly spirit"
angel, cherub, supernatural being, spirit, archangel

shallow [adjective]

means "trite"
superficial, inconsequential, frivolous, silly, insignificant, trifling

shore [verb]

means "activity"
support, prop, brace

shore [noun]

means "thing"
brace, stay, support, prop, post, beam

shoulder [noun]

means "assume"
carry, bear, take up, support, accept, take on

showy [adjective]

means "flashy"
flaunting, gaudy, ostentatious, pretentious, flash, superficial

side with [verb]

means "joining"
join, go in with, favour, favor [US], team up with, support

sketchy [adjective]

means "imperfect"

sleepy [adjective]

means "drowsy"
slow, listless, lethargic, inert, dormant, supine

slight [adjective]

means "property"
insignificant, petty, trifling, trivial, unimportant, superficial

slow [adjective]

means "state"

so-called [adjective]

means "doubtful"
purported, supposed, nominal

sovereign [adjective]

means "chief"
dominant, principal, predominant, paramount, independent, supreme

sovereignty [noun]

means "sovereign power"
majesty, supremacy, power

spare [adjective]

means "quantity"
excess, extra, additional, superfluous, reserved

speculation [noun]

means "theory"
hypothesis, conjecture, supposition, surmise, view, conclusion

speculative [adjective]

means "theoretical"
academic, hypothetical, conjectural, presumed, supposed, suppositional

spiritualism [noun]

means "mysticism"
cabbalism, supernatural

splendid [adjective]

means "magnificent"
grand, impressive, superb, dazzling, gorgeous, beautiful

sponsor [noun]

means "defender"
champion, protector, supporter, partisan, ally, backer

spooky [adjective]

means "weird"
eerie, uncanny, unearthly, supernatural, haunted, mysterious

squelch [verb]

means "crush"
squash, squish, thwart, suppress

stand-in [noun]

means "ersatz"
false, substitute, supplementary

star [noun]

means "person"
celebrity, headliner, superstar, luminary

stately [adjective]

means "noble"
eminent, venerable, princely, elegant, superb, glorious

stay [verb]

means "activity"
suppress, restrain, curb, support, brace, strengthen, sustain, uphold, prop

stay [noun]

means "thing"
support, brace, hold, prop, truss, rope

sterling [adjective]

means "excellent"
superior, exceptional, first-rate, choice, esteemed, prime

stock [verb]

means "activity"
store, supply, hoard, equip, fill, furnish

stock [noun]

means "thing"
supplies, reserve

stockpile [verb]

means "reserve"
bank, supply, deposit, hoard, store

stultify [verb]

means "deprive of vitality"
repress, enfeeble, stifle, muzzle, suppress, frustrate

stupendous [adjective]

means "greatest"
exceptional, extreme, highest, profound, surpassing, superlative

sublime [noun]

means "outstanding"
excellent, superb, peerless, marvellous, splendid, wonderful

submissive [adjective]

means "docile"
servile, meek, passive, supine, tame, subdued

subscribe [verb]

means "sign up for"
purchase, support, donate

subsidiary [noun]

means "additional"
auxiliary, supplementary, ancillary, secondary, accessory, appurtenant

subsidise [verb]

means "finance"
support, maintain, sponsor, fund, back, assist

subsidize [verb]

means "finance"
support, maintain, sponsor, fund, back, assist

subsistence [noun]

means "means of support"
livelihood, support, maintenance, room and board, earnings

substitute [verb]

means "exchange"
interchange, switch, supplant, replace

succeed [verb]

means "follow"
replace, supplant, supersede, supervene, displace

succor [verb]

means "help"
aid, assist, support, relieve, befriend, lend a hand

succor [noun]

means "help"
aid, sustenance, assistance, relief, support

succour [verb]

means "help"
aid, assist, support, relieve, befriend

succour [noun]

means "help"
aid, sustenance, assistance, relief, support

sufferable [adjective]

means "endurable"
bearable, sustainable, tolerable, supportable, livable, passable

surface [noun]

means "exterior"
outside, covering, face, plane, superficies

surfeit [verb]

means "satiate"
gorge, fill, supply

surfeit [noun]

means "excess"
surplus, over-abundance, profusion, plenitude, saturation, superfluity

surmise [verb]

means "guess"
assume, infer, conjecture, imagine, suppose, suspect

surplus [noun]

means "excess"
superabundance, surfeit, remainder, residue

suspect [verb]

means "believe"
suppose, surmise, imagine, guess, conjecture, consider

suspicion [noun]

means "guess"
notion, idea, impression, surmise, conjecture, supposition

sustain [verb]

means "support"
aid, help, defend, supply, furnish, befriend

sustain [verb]

means "nourish"
nurture, support, subsist, maintain

sustain [verb]

means "endure"
bear, suffer, undergo, support

sustainable [adjective]

means "endurable"
sufferable, bearable, tolerable, supportable, livable, passable

sustaining [adjective]

means "aiding"
helpful, supporting, helping, cooperating, assisting, auxiliary

sustenance [noun]

means "livelihood"
work, living, support, subsistence, vocation, business

switch [verb]

means "action"
exchange, interchange, substitute, supplant, replace

sympathetic [adjective]

means "appreciative"
sensitive, supportive, understanding, favourable, enlightened, cordial

sympathiser [noun]

means "well-wisher"
supporter, backer, mentor, benefactor

sympathizer [noun]

means "well-wisher"
supporter, backer, mentor, benefactor

take [verb]

means "opinion"
assume, presume, hold, consider, regard, suppose

tawdry [adjective]

means "flashy"
flaunting, gaudy, ostentatious, pretentious, showy, superficial

tender [adjective]

means "quality"
delicate, fragile, soft, supple

theorise [verb]

means "conjecture"
suppose, predicate, think

theorize [verb]

means "conjecture"
suppose, predicate, think

think [verb]

means "state"
believe, deem, hold, anticipate, expect, suppose

thought [noun]

means "idea"
theory, hypothesis, postulate, supposition, plan, design

token [adjective]

means "perfunctory"
nominal, in name only, figurehead, superficial, minimal

transcendent [adjective]

means "ideal"
exquisite, perfect, total, consummate, supreme, ripe

truss [noun]

means "supporting device"
supporter, brace, prop, support, beam, strut

trustee [noun]

means "keeper"
sponsor, warden, supervisor, guardian

trusty [adjective]

means "reliable"
great, good, confirmed, superior, solid

tutelage [noun]

means "care"
custody, supervision, trust, conservation, charge, ward

tyrannical [adjective]

means "authoritarian"
peremptory, supreme, autarchic, autocratic, strict, despotic

unconsidered [adjective]

means "careless"
unthinking, inconsiderate, negligent, superficial, unmindful, thoughtless

under [object]

means "position"
below, beneath, supporting, obedient to

underwrite [verb]

means "sanction or approve"
sanction, approve, ratify, confirm, guarantee, support

unearthly [adjective]

means "strange"
uncanny, supernatural, unnatural, ghostly, preternatural, spectral

unessential [adjective]

means "insignificant"
petty, trifling, trivial, unimportant, superficial, paltry

unexcited [adjective]

means "apathetic"
cool, indifferent, lukewarm, half hearted, unconcerned, superior

unnatural [adjective]

means "abnormal"

unparalleled [adjective]

means "excellent"
prime, superior, top, choice, best

unreasonable [adjective]

means "excessive"
extravagant, exorbitant, superlative, immoderate, unfair, unjust

upgrade [verb]

means "improve"
modernise, modernize, supplement, implement, outfit, equip

upheld [adjective]

means "confirmed"
affirmed, reaffirmed, validated, supported, reinstated, backed

uphold [verb]

means "maintain"
advocate, support, sustain, endorse, vindicate, bolster

upper hand [noun]

means "advantage"
sway, superiority, say

upright [noun]

means "pole"
column, pile, prop, support, pier, verticality

vein [noun]

means "thing"
rib, support, nerve, thread, venation, striation

vendor [noun]

means "seller"
supplier, retailer

veneration [noun]

means "adoration"
devotion, reverence, homage, honour, worship, supplication

verticality [noun]

means "pole"
column, pile, prop, support, pier, upright

vindicate [verb]

means "defend"
substantiate, justify, maintain, support, uphold, corroborate

waste [adjective]

means "quality"
extra, superfluous, unused

weird [adjective]

means "uncanny"
supernatural, awesome, ghostly, strange, eerie

well-disposed toward [adjective]

means "friendly"
receptive, approving, favourable, amenable, willing, supportive

well-wisher [noun]

means "sympathiser"
supporter, backer, mentor, benefactor

wonderful [adjective]

means "fine"
excellent, superb, prime, enjoyable, pleasing, pleasant

woo [verb]

means "solicit"

worship [verb]

means "pray"
invoke, supplicate, sanctify, extol, laud

worship [noun]

means "adoration"
devotion, reverence, homage, honour, veneration, supplication

yield [verb]

means "produce"
render, supply, furnish, bear, bestow, give forth

yielding [adjective]

means "malleable"
flexible, pliant, pliable, limber, supple, soft

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