
Synonym for as [object]

The synonym as synonymous definition words:
Further results for the word "as"

at the same time [object]

means "while"
in the act of, as, during

in the act of [object]

means "while"
as, at the same time, during

inasmuch as [object]

means "because"
since, as

Asia [noun]

means "place"
Middle East, Far East, Orient

aghast [adjective]

means "horrified"
appalled, confounded, astonished, dismayed, alarmed, dumbfounded

appease [verb]

means "satisfy"
mollify, placate, assuage, allay, propitiate, sate

as a matter of fact [object]

means "actually"
indeed, truly, really, in fact

as a rule [object]

means "generally"
ordinarily, usually, customarily, commonly, regularly

as a whole [object]

means "altogether"
all told, all in all, overall

as far as [object]

means "to the extent that"
inasmuch as, as regards

as good as [object]

means "equal to"

as if [object]

means "just as though"

as it were [object]

means "in a manner of speaking"
sort of

as long as [object]

means "while"
since, during, inasmuch as, whilst

as much again [noun]

means "double"
twice as much, multiplied

as regards [object]

means "concerning"
regarding, about, as far as, respecting

as such [object]

means "in itself"
intrinsically, alone

as well [object]

means "also"
even, moreover, likewise, plus

as well as [object]

means "in addition to"
along with, including, together with

as yet [object]

means "yet"

ascend [verb]

means "movement"
go up, rise, climb, get up, mount, scale, float, soar, arise

ascending [adjective]

means "in motion"
mobile, unstable, going, shifting, moving, descending

ascension [noun]

means "ascent"
rising, climbing, rise, mounting

ascent [noun]

means "nature"
acclivity, incline, slope, upgrade

ascent [noun]

means "movement"
rising, climbing, rise, mounting

ascertain [verb]

means "verify"
prove, establish, demonstrate, substantiate, learn, determine, find out

ascetic [noun]

means "holy man"
monk, penitent, puritan

ascetic [adjective]

means "austere"
rigorous, severe, modest, plain, unadorned, reclusive

ascribe [verb]

means "attribute"
charge, assign, impute, attach, pertain, associate

asexual [adjective]

means "chaste"
abstinent, abstemious, virgin, virginal, monastic, celibate

ash [noun]

means "thing"
cinder, dust, ashes, remains, soot, slag, embers, volcanic ash

ashamed [adjective]

means "unwilling"
restrained, hesitant, reluctant, muddled

ashamed [adjective]

means "abashed"
contrite, sheepish, repentant, chagrined, embarrassed, confused, shamed

ashen [adjective]

means "pale"
pallid, anaemic, sickly, wan, bloodless

ashes [noun]

means "remains of what is burned"
dust, soot, embers, volcanic ash

ashes [noun]

means "remains"
remnants, ruins, destruction

aside [object]

means "property"
apart, aloof, in isolation, in reserve, to the side

aside [object]

means "position"
to one side, to the side, abreast, sideways, laterally, alongside, in reserve, obliquely

aside [object]

means "part of speech"
despite, notwithstanding, however, albeit

aside [noun]

means "speech"
monologue, digression, departure, diversion, whisper, side show

asinine [adjective]

means "ridiculous"
absurd, foolish, idiotic, stupid, senseless, inane, nonsensical

ask [verb]

means "question"
inquire, query, interrogate, survey, examine

ask [verb]

means "invitation"
call in, suggest, urge, prompt, beckon

ask [verb]

means "demand"
claim, call for, impose, exact, expect, require, desire

ask [verb]

means "application"
appeal, request, seek, beg, desire, beseech, entreat

ask [verb]

means "anticipation"
await, hope for, foresee

ask for [verb]

means "request"
call, invite, ask, bid

askance [adjective]

means "askew"
awry, crooked, lopsided, twisted, distorted, skew, oblique

askew [adjective]

means "deformed"
distorted, crooked, contorted, awry, gnarled, disfigured

aspect [noun]

means "appearance"
manner, look, guise, attitude, mien, countenance, set

asperity [noun]

means "roughness"
harshness, rudeness, unevenness

asperity [noun]

means "hardship"
burden, trouble, difficulty, ordeal, misfortune, impediment

asperity [noun]

means "bitterness"
acrimony, severity, astringency, sarcasm, sharpness, ill temper

asperity [noun]

means "animosity"
bitterness, resentment, rancour, hostility, enmity

asperse [verb]

means "malign"
assail, abuse, berate, insult, libel, defame, denounce

aspersion [noun]

means "defamation"
obloquy, disgrace, blame, infamy, calumny, censure

asphalt [noun]

means "pavement"
cement, mortar, concrete

asphyxiate [verb]

means "strangle"
stifle, throttle, smother, suffocate, choke, gag, garrotte

aspirant [noun]

means "competitor"
suitor, contestant, candidate, applicant

aspiration [noun]

means "desire"
mind, hope, request, want, wish

aspire [verb]

means "try"
attempt, make an effort, endeavour, strive, essay, seek, venture

aspire to [verb]

means "pursue"
seek, attempt, endeavour, desire

ass [noun]

means "burro"
donkey, dickey, jennet, mule, jackass

assail [verb]

means "speech"
revile, denounce, vituperate, belabour, criticise, criticize, impugn, malign, vilify

assail [verb]

means "action"
assault, attack, beset, storm, charge, set upon, raid, fall upon

assassin [noun]

means "killer"
butcher, murderer, thug

assassinate [verb]

means "slay"
murder, execute, butcher, kill, slaughter, massacre, electrocute

assassination [noun]

means "gangland slaying"
murder, execution, strangling, slaying

assault [verb]

means "assail"
attack, strike, invade, charge, storm, besiege

assault [noun]

means "violation"
rape, attack, molestation

assault [noun]

means "violate"
rape, ravish, attack, molest

assault [noun]

means "attack"
raid, invasion, onslaught, offensive, combat, storming

assemblage [noun]

means "entirety"
whole, amount, totality, aggregate, body, gross, sum

assemble [verb]

means "put together"
fabricate, manufacture, erect, build, set up, construct, join

assemble [verb]

means "bring together"
call together, congregate, rally, convene, gather, muster, summon

assembled [adjective]

means "constructed"
fabricated, completed, built, created, produced, made, contrived

assembling [noun]

means "convention"
gathering, meeting, assembly, congress, throng, assemblage, mob

assembly [noun]

means "legal body"
congress, parliament, council, legislature

assembly [noun]

means "convention"
gathering, meeting, assembling, congress, throng, assemblage, mob

assembly [noun]

means "assembling"
joining, construction, attachment, collection

assent [verb]

means "agreement"
accede, agree, concur, acquiesce, admit, consent, subscribe, allow

assent [noun]

means "agreement"
accord, authorisation, authorization, accession, acquiescence, consent, yes, approbation

assenting [adjective]

means "agreeable"
content, resigned, quiescent, tranquil, willing, peaceful

assert [verb]

means "aver"
contend, state, affirm, declare, maintain, allege, asseverate

assert [verb]

means "assure"
claim, maintain, uphold, advance, defend, pledge, profess

assert [verb]

means "accuse"
emphasise, emphasize, charge, impugn, impute, press, indict

assertive [adjective]

means "dominant"
commanding, imperious, authoritative, lordly, bossy

assess [verb]

means "judge"
evaluate, weigh, review, consider, reckon

assess [verb]

means "appraise"
value, estimate, charge, rate, fix

assessment [noun]

means "judgment"
calculation, appraisal, computation, appraisement, estimation, estimate, opinion

asset [noun]

means "advantage"
beauty, attraction, worth, refinement, excellence, value, benefit

assets [noun]

means "resources"
money, property, capital, cash, investment, means

asseverate [verb]

means "aver"
contend, state, affirm, declare, maintain, allege, assert

assiduous [adjective]

means "diligent"
industrious, constant, laborious, devoted, applied, sedulous

assiduous [adjective]

means "careful"
painstaking, punctilious, attentive, exacting, scrupulous, patient, studious

assign [verb]

means "attribution"
ascribe, accredit, impute, advance, bring up, offer

assign [verb]

means "appoint"
commission, specify, designate, authorise, authorize, determine, delegate, devote

assign [verb]

means "allocate"
allot, give out, sort, consign, apportion, distribute, deal

assigned [adjective]

means "occupied"
full, reserved, taken

assignment [noun]

means "duty"
job, responsibility, homework, task, talk, obligation, charge

assignment [noun]

means "designation"
authorisation, authorization, nomination, appointment, naming, fixing, setting

assimilate [verb]

means "digest"
absorb, take up, learn, understand, grasp, sense

assimilate [verb]

means "adapt"
acclimatise, acclimatize, accustom, conform

assimilation [noun]

means "acclimatization"
adaptation, adjustment, agreement, conformity

assist [verb]

means "action"
aid, favour, foster, nourish, uphold, back, sustain, abet, help

assistance [noun]

means "help"
aid, benefit, furtherance, avail, relief, service, succour

assisting [adjective]

means "aiding"
helpful, supporting, helping, cooperating, auxiliary, sustaining, assistant

associate [verb]

means "connect"
conjoin, correlate, relate, identify with, link, ally

associate [verb]

means "combine"
connect, mix, blend, troop, couple, mingle, unite

associate [verb]

means "associate with"
consort, fraternise, fraternize, socialise, socialize, keep company, hobnob

associate [verb]

means "affiliate"
ally, join, unite, federate, amalgamate, confederate

associate [noun]

means "comrade"
assistant, affiliate, equal, colleague, companion, accomplice, mate

associated [adjective]

means "analogous"
equivalent, homogeneous, comparable, allied, alike

association [noun]

means "mental connection"
relation, recollection, correlation, impression, combination, remembrance, response

association [noun]

means "alliance"
coalition, brotherhood, corporation, organisation, organization, league, club, company

assort [verb]

means "vary"
diversify, variegate, array

assort [verb]

means "categorize"
categorise, classify, arrange, class, type, group, pigeonhole

assorted [adjective]

means "various"
mixed, miscellaneous, diverse, different

assortment [noun]

means "aggregation"
variety, accumulation, set, multitude, collection, series, store

assuage [verb]

means "satisfy"
surfeit, appease, fill, satiate, slake, gratify, indulge

assuage [verb]

means "pacify"
calm, quiet, mollify, still, soften, subdue, compose

assuage [verb]

means "alleviate"
mitigate, lessen, relieve, soothe, ease, palliate, moderate

assuagement [noun]

means "relief"
anodyne, alleviation, balm

assume [verb]

means "possession"
appropriate, confiscate, seize, expropriate, arrogate, usurp

assume [verb]

means "activity"
undertake, take on, shoulder, enter upon

assume [verb]

means "action"
feign, affect, counterfeit, pretend, bluff, simulate, fake, act out

assume [verb]

means "acknowledgement"
presume, infer, give, presuppose, suppose, deem, believe

assumed [adjective]

means "presumed"
understood, accepted, granted, postulated

assumed [adjective]

means "false"
fictitious, counterfeit, spurious, pretended, hypothetical, synthetic, illusory

assumption [noun]

means "supposition"
conjecture, surmise, presupposition, assuming, presumption, hypothesis

assumption [noun]

means "arrogance"
nerve, haughtiness, conceit, pride, contumely, effrontery, forwardness

assumption [noun]

means "appropriation"
assuming, accepting, usurpation

assurance [noun]

means "guaranty"
promise, guarantee, pledge, oath, insurance, word, warranty

assurance [noun]

means "declaration"
avowal, asseveration, deposition, assertion

assurance [noun]

means "confidence"
certainty, faith, conviction, self-assurance, firmness, trust, certitude

assurance [noun]

means "boldness"
arrogance, audacity, insolence, effrontery, cheek, impertinence, impudence

assurance [noun]

means "aplomb"
coolness, poise, intrepidity, self-confidence, courage, bravery

assure [verb]

means "speech"
reassure, encourage, inspire, enthuse, hearten

assure [verb]

means "conviction"
persuade, induce, satisfy, prove, secure, convince

assure [verb]

means "affirmation"
affirm, attest, pledge, guarantee, promise, aver, vouch for, swear

assured [adjective]

means "sure"
obvious, certain, secure, convinced, satisfied, confident, positive

assuredly [object]

means "certainly"
positively, definitely, surely

astern [adjective]

means "abaft"
rearward, behind, back, to the rear, aft

astigmatic [adjective]

means "myopic"

astonish [verb]

means "daunt"
awe, stupefy, shock, overwhelm, intimidate, amaze, dazzle

astonished [adjective]

means "horrified"
appalled, confounded, aghast, dismayed, alarmed, dumbfounded, overwhelmed

astonishing [adjective]

means "startling"
amazing, extraordinary, unusual, surprising

astonishment [noun]

means "amazement"
wonder, surprise, shock, amaze, wonderment, awe, stupefaction

astound [verb]

means "stagger"
amaze, astonish, dumbfound, confound, shock, surprise

astounded [adjective]

means "flabbergasted"
baffled, amazed, confounded, bewildered, surprised

astounding [adjective]

means "marvellous"
wonderful, amazing, spectacular, astonishing, fabulous, incredible, unbelievable

astral [adjective]

means "celestial"
astronomical, planetary, heavenly

astray [object]

means "property"
wrong, faulty, unfair, amiss, erroneous, erring, imperfect, unlawful

astringent [adjective]

means "harsh"
severe, hard, rigourous, sharp, austere, stern, unrelenting

astringent [adjective]

means "constrictive"
binding, contracting

astronomical [adjective]

means "immeasurable"
infinite, gigantic, enormous, huge, outrageous, vast

astronomical [adjective]

means "celestial"
astral, planetary, heavenly

astute [adjective]

means "shrewd"
clever, crafty, cunning, sly, wily, machiavellian

astute [adjective]

means "discerning"
perceptive, keen, penetrating, perspicacious, eagle-eyed, sagacious, quick

astuteness [noun]

means "intellect"
ability, aptitude, brains, gift, propensity, talent, acumen

asunder [object]

means "to pieces"
in two, divided, in pieces

asunder [object]

means "apart"
disconnected, away, divided, widely separated, dismantled, distant

asylum [noun]

means "institute"
hospital, sanatorium, home

asylum [noun]

means "haven"
sanctuary, refuge, retreat, shelter, preserve, safety, reserve

basis [noun]

means "reason"
cause, evidence, justification, assumption, root, premise

classification [noun]

means "categorizing"
arrangement, grouping, assortment, organisation, organization, allotment

deceased [adjective]

means "dead"
late, expired, asleep, defunct, departed

east [noun]

means "place"
Asia, Middle East, Far East, orient

invasion [noun]

means "attack"
raid, assault, onslaught, offensive, combat, storming

measured [adjective]

means "rhythmical"
uniform, slow, stately, deliberate, ascertained, guarded

pasty [adjective]

means "pale"
pallid, wan, sallow, anemic, ashen, bloodless

reassure [verb]

means "hearten"
assure, encourage, inspire, enthuse

sarcasm [noun]

means "bitterness"
acrimony, severity, astringency, asperity, sharpness, ill temper

self-assured [adjective]

means "confident"
self-confident, poised, assured, smug, self-satisfied, cocksure

task [noun]

means "profession"
job, assignment, chore, duty, role

China [noun]

means "Far East"
Asia, Orient

Machiavellian [adjective]

means "shrewd"
clever, crafty, cunning, sly, wily, astute

abaft [object]

means "aft"
rearward, behind, back, to the rear, astern

abet [verb]

means "aid"
help, assist, support, uphold, back, befriend

absorb [verb]

means "understand"
assimilate, grasp, learn, sense

absorbed [adjective]

means "impregnated"
assimilated, digested

abstinent [adjective]

means "chaste"
celibate, abstemious, virgin, virginal, monastic, asexual

absurd [adjective]

means "property"
ridiculous, senseless, foolish, idiotic, stupid, asinine

abuse [verb]

means "malign"
assail, asperse, berate, insult, libel, defame

abuse [noun]

means "insult"
affront, aspersion, detraction, censure, condemnation, defamation

accede [verb]

means "agree"
permit, allow, assent, concede, acquiesce, consent

acceptance [noun]

means "agreement"
assent, recognition, approval, capitulation

accession [noun]

means "acceptance"
agreement, consent, assent, acknowledgment

accessory [noun]

means "aide"
auxiliary, subsidiary, assistant, attaché, helper, confederate

acclimatize [verb]

means "adapt"
acclimatise, assimilate, accustom, conform

accommodate [verb]

means "serve"
aid, assist, help, oblige, abet, provide

accomplice [noun]

means "confederate"
accessory, ally, associate, cohort, conspirator

accord [verb]

means "agreement"
agree, concur, affirm, assent, coincide, correspond

accordingly [object]

means "thus"
consequently, hence, as a result, therefore

account [verb]

means "estimate"
think, assess, consider, count, deem, hold

accredit [verb]

means "attribute"
ascribe, assign, impute, advance, bring up, offer

acerbic [adjective]

means "austere"
bitter, sharp, astringent, acid, harsh, sour

acerbity [noun]

means "bitterness"
tartness, acidity, astringency

acidity [noun]

means "bitterness"
tartness, acerbity, astringency

acquaintance [noun]

means "friend"
crony, associate, colleague, pal, companion, partner

acquiesce [verb]

means "agree with"
approve, concur, agree on, come to terms, assent, accede

acquiescence [noun]

means "consent"

acrimony [noun]

means "bitterness"
asperity, severity, astringency, sarcasm, sharpness, ill temper

acute [adjective]

means "smart"
astute, bright, clever, discerning, ingenious, intelligent

additionally [object]

means "in addition"
likewise, also, as well, along, besides, furthermore

address [verb]

means "appeal"
style, petition, apply to, ask, invoke, plead

adjoining [object]

means "close"
abutting, aside, near at hand, adjacent, neighbouring, beside

adjunct [noun]

means "assistant"
aide, affiliate, attaché, associate, subordinate

adjutant [noun]

means "aide"
accessory, subsidiary, assistant, attaché, helper, confederate

admit [verb]

means "permission"
permit, assent, let, allow, grant, concede

admixture [noun]

means "joining"
junction, association, uniting, blending, combination, fusion

adopt [verb]

means "agreement"
vote for, approve, affirm, assent to, espouse, ratify

affect [verb]

means "pretence"
fake, feign, adopt, sham, assume

affected [adjective]

means "unnatural"
assumed, insincere, feigned, pretentious, pretended, simulated

affiliate [noun]

means "associate"
colleague, co-worker, assistant, partner, agency, fellow

affinity [noun]

means "resemblance"
similarity, likeness, correspondence, association, attractiveness

affirm [verb]

means "affirmation"
assert, declare, swear, maintain, warrant, aver

afoot [adjective]

means "walking"
on foot, astir, at large, pedestrian

aft [adjective]

means "abaft"
rearward, behind, back, to the rear, astern

aggregate [verb]

means "gather"
accumulate, amass, assemble, collect, total

aggregate [noun]

means "entirety"
whole, amount, totality, assemblage, body, gross

aggregation [noun]

means "collection"
variety, accumulation, set, multitude, assortment, series

agree [verb]

means "permission"
accede, permit, allow, assent, concede, acquiesce

agree with [verb]

means "concur"
approve, acquiesce, agree on, come to terms, assent, accede

agreement [noun]

means "conformity"
accord, concord, harmony, peace, assent, proportion

aid [verb]

means "deed"
assist, favour, foster, nourish, uphold, back

aid [noun]

means "people"
assistant, aide, helper, supporter, servant, colleague

aid [noun]

means "deed"
help, assistance, benefit, furtherance, avail, relief

aide [noun]

means "assistant"
adjunct, affiliate, attaché, associate, subordinate

aiding [adjective]

means "auxiliary"
helpful, supporting, helping, cooperating, assisting, sustaining, assistant

air [noun]

means "behaviour"

albeit [object]

means "despite"
notwithstanding, however, aside

alderman [noun]

means "municipal legislator"
councilman, assemblyman, representative, elector, solon, ward officer

align with [verb]

means "ally"
affiliate, follow, choose sides, associate with, join forces with

alike [adjective]

means "comparison"
analogous, equivalent, homogeneous, comparable, allied, associated

allay [verb]

means "ease"
alleviate, cool, appease, damp, assuage, lessen

allegation [noun]

means "claim"
assertion, avowal, position, profession, contention

allege [verb]

means "speech"
declare, swear, say, affirm, state, assert

allocate [verb]

means "allot"
earmark, appoint, designate, appropriate, set apart, assign

allot [verb]

means "allocatation"
earmark, appoint, designate, appropriate, set apart, assign

allowance [noun]

means "acceptance"
assent, acknowledgment, admission, concession

ally [verb]

means "joining"
connect, integrate, confederate, combine, unite, associate

ally [noun]

means "people"
associate, supporter, backer, accessory, partner, confederate

alongside [object]

means "to one side"
to the side, abreast, sideways, laterally, aside, in reserve

also [object]

means "addition"
too, as well, moreover, likewise, plus, even

amaze [verb]

means "behaviour"
daunt, astonish, stupefy, shock, overwhelm, intimidate

amazed [adjective]

means "blank"
vacant, astonished, muddled, perplexed, bewildered, dazed

amazement [noun]

means "wonder"
astonishment, surprise, shock, amaze, wonderment, awe

amazing [adjective]

means "extraordinary"
phenomenal, remarkable, portentous, incredible, astounding, indescribable

amiss [adjective]

means "wrong"
faulty, unfair, astray, erroneous, erring, imperfect

analogous [adjective]

means "alike"
equivalent, homogeneous, comparable, allied, associated

analyze [verb]

means "examine minutely"
examine, scrutinize, investigate, study in detail, assess carefully, inspect

ancestor [noun]

means "forefather"

annotation [noun]

means "commentary"
explanation, note, assessment, comment, criticism, critique

anodyne [noun]

means "relief"
assuagement, alleviation, balm

anoint [verb]

means "besprinkle"

apart [object]

means "conflict"
asunder, in pieces, to pieces, in two

apart from [object]

means "over and above"
as well as, aside from, beyond, besides, else

apparel [noun]

means "costume"
outfit, ensemble, garb, aspect, disguise

appeal [verb]

means "permission"
ask, adjure, beseech, plead, entreat, implore

application [noun]

means "persistence"
diligence, industry, attention, assiduity, effort, devotion

apply [verb]

means "deed"
appropriate, assign

appointed [adjective]

means "chosen"
designated, named, selected, commissioned, assigned, picked

appointment [noun]

means "meeting"

appointment [noun]

means "designation"
nomination, assignment, choice, selection, designating, installation

appraisal [noun]

means "judgment"
calculation, estimate, computation, appraisement, estimation, assessment

appraise [verb]

means "assess"
estimate, figure, approximate, assay, compute, call

appreciable [adjective]

means "discernible"
distinguishable, perceptible, visible, ascertainable, apparent, recognisable

appropriateness [noun]

means "importance"

approve of [verb]

means "consent"
grant, approve, acquiesce, agree, allow, assent

apropos [object]

means "regarding"
about, as regards, concerning

argue [verb]

means "contention"
maintain, say, contend, assert, claim, explain

arise [verb]

means "movement"
ascend, rise, climb, stand, mount, come up

attach [verb]

means "relationship"
attribute, charge, assign, impute, ascribe, pertain, associate

attach [verb]

means "addition"
affiliate, associate, join forces with, adhere, belong, accompany

attaché [noun]

means "assistant"
aide, affiliate, adjunct, associate, subordinate

attack [verb]

means "speech"
criticise, criticize, impugn, assail, revile, denounce

attack [verb]

means "action"
assail, assault, storm, charge, strike, set upon

attack [noun]

means "conflict"
assault, blow, aggression, charge, offensive, descent

attack [noun]

means "action"
violation, assault, defilement, rape

attempt [verb]

means "try"
aspire, make an effort, endeavour, strive, essay, seek

attempt [verb]

means "attack"
assail, combat, assault

attendance [noun]

means "assemblage"
turnout, audience, assembly, public, crowd, congregation

attest [verb]

means "say"
declare, affirm, state, testify, assert, allege

attractiveness [noun]

means "resemblance"
similarity, likeness, correspondence, association, affinity

austere [adjective]

means "acerbic"
bitter, sharp, astringent, acid, harsh, sour

authorizing [noun]

means "entrustment"
delegation, sending, commission, assignment

auxiliary [noun]

means "aide"
accessory, subsidiary, assistant, attaché, helper, confederate

auxiliary [adjective]

means "aiding"
helpful, supporting, helping, cooperating, assisting, sustaining, assistant

avail [noun]

means "help"
assistance, benefit, furtherance, aid, relief, service

awake [adjective]

means "property"
alert, vigilant, observant, attentive, wakeful, astir

awe [verb]

means "daunt"
astonish, stupefy, shock, overwhelm, intimidate, amaze

backing [noun]

means "security"
surety, collateral, assurance, guaranty, protection, insurance

backing [noun]

means "help"
subsidy, aid, encouragement, support, assistance, relief

bafflement [noun]

means "confusion"
puzzlement, astonishment, mystification, quandary, bewilderment, distraction

bail out [verb]

means "help out"
relieve, aid, assist

balance [verb]

means "compare"
reconcile, compute, adjust, estimate, weigh, assay

ball [noun]

means "music"
dance, masquerade, reception, prom, promenade, assembly

balm [noun]

means "anything soothing or healing"
comfort, alleviation, assuagement, consolation, relief, remedy

baptise [verb]

means "besprinkle"

baptize [verb]

means "besprinkle"

battery [noun]

means "attack"
beating, violence, assault, aggression, hitting

beating [noun]

means "attack"
battery, violence, assault, aggression, hitting

beauty [noun]

means "attraction"
advantage, asset, worth, refinement, excellence, value

because of [object]

means "in view of"
taking into account, considering, in consideration of, as regards

beg [verb]

means "behaviour"
appeal, request, seek, ask, desire, beseech

belabour [verb]

means "revile"
denounce, vituperate, assail, criticise, criticize, impugn

belief [noun]

means "conviction"
hypothesis, assurance, postulate, philosophy, inference, persuasion

belief [noun]

means "affirmation"
faith, acceptance, assent, credence, credit, trust

belongings [noun]

means "possessions"
property, equity, assets, effects, holdings, estate

benefaction [noun]

means "charity"
good turn, kindness, favour, assistance

benefit [verb]

means "help"
advance, avail, assist, better, further, serve

beset [verb]

means "besiege"
invade, encircle, assail, enclose, encompass, harass

beside [object]

means "position"
close, abutting, aside, near at hand, adjacent, neighbouring

besides [object]

means "over and above"
as well as, aside from, beyond, apart from, else

besiege [verb]

means "assail"
attack, strike, invade, charge, storm, assault

bewildered [adjective]

means "amazed"
vacant, astonished, muddled, perplexed, blank, dazed

bewilderment [noun]

means "bafflement"
puzzlement, astonishment, mystification, quandary, confusion, distraction

bitter [adjective]

means "characteristic"
acrid, tart, astringent, keen, biting, harsh

bitterness [noun]

means "tartness"
acidity, acerbity, pungency, astringency

blame [verb]

means "attribution"
ascribe, charge, impute, credit

blank [adjective]

means "property"
amazed, vacant, astonished, muddled, perplexed, bewildered

blending [noun]

means "joining"
junction, association, uniting, combination, admixture, fusion

blessing [noun]

means "good fortune"
advantage, benefit, windfall, asset, boon

bloodless [adjective]

means "pale"
pallid, anaemic, sickly, wan, ashen

body [noun]

means "matter"
main part, majority, bulk, assembly, core, substance

body [noun]

means "institution"
association, company, troop, corporation, clique, collection

borrow [verb]

means "possession"
adopt, assume, appropriate

bracket [verb]

means "associate"
relate, correlate, attribute, connect, identify with, assign

brawler [noun]

means "combatant"
assailant, aggressor, warrior, fighter, soldier

bring up [verb]

means "attribute"
ascribe, accredit, impute, advance, assign, offer

brother [noun]

means "fellow man"
monk, associate, comrade, kinsman

brotherhood [noun]

means "fraternity"
association, organisation, organization

buddy [noun]

means "friend"
confidant, pal, intimate, chum, associate, crony

build [verb]

means "activity"
make, put together, manufacture, set up, fashion, assemble

built [adjective]

means "constructed"
fabricated, completed, assembled, created, produced, made

bunch [noun]

means "group"

bundle [noun]

means "bunch"
collection, assortment, gathering

businesslike [adjective]

means "professional"
systematic, intent, orderly, scrupulous, assiduous, brisk

busy [adjective]

means "characteristic"
industrious, assiduous, fraught, diligent, sedulous, hardworking

but [object]

means "part of speech"
except, aside from, excepting, save, let alone, excluding

butcher [verb]

means "slaughter"
slay, kill, murder, assassinate, exterminate, massacre

butcher [noun]

means "killer"
assassin, murderer, thug

butt [noun]

means "bottom"
rump, posterior, ass, seat, tail end, back

bystander [noun]

means "nearby resident"
acquaintance, associate, friend, neighbour

calculable [adjective]

means "measurable"
ascertainable, estimable, predictable, accountable, computable

calculate [verb]

means "presume"
anticipate, intend, suppose, assume, predict, judge

call [verb]

means "question"
request, ask for, invite, ask, bid

call [verb]

means "invitation"
summon, convene, invite, convoke, assemble, call together

call for [verb]

means "demand"
claim, ask, impose, exact, expect, require

call in [verb]

means "invite"
ask, suggest, urge, prompt, beckon

call together [verb]

means "bring together"
assemble, congregate, rally, convene, gather, muster

calm [verb]

means "activity"
assuage, still

calumny [noun]

means "defamation"
aspersion, disgrace, blame, infamy, obloquy, censure

camaraderie [noun]

means "friendly intercourse"
fellowship, comradeship, affability, association, communion, fraternity

canny [adjective]

means "shrewd"
skilful, astute, sharp, alert, able

capital [noun]

means "resources"
money, property, assets, cash, investment, means

carnage [noun]

means "killing"
assassination, annihilation, blood, homicide, murder, manslaughter

catechise [verb]

means "interrogate"
question, inquire, quiz, ask

catechize [verb]

means "interrogate"
question, inquire, quiz, ask

categorize [verb]

means "categorise"
assort, classify, arrange, class, type, group

caustic [adjective]

means "having a very high ph"
burning, alkaline, corrosive, erosive, astringent, antacid

celestial [adjective]

means "astronomical"
planetary, astral

celibate [adjective]

means "chaste"
abstinent, abstemious, virgin, virginal, monastic, asexual

certain [adjective]

means "sure"
obvious, assured, secure, convinced, satisfied, confident

certainty [noun]

means "sureness"
trust, assurance, certitude, confidence, faith, conviction

certify [verb]

means "vouch"
attest, swear, state, assure, witness, reassure

certitude [noun]

means "confidence"

chalk up [verb]

means "attribute"
credit, record, ascribe, impute, register, keep score

challenge [verb]

means "dispute"
contest, question, ask for, assert, impose

charge [verb]

means "cost"
sell for, assess, price, levy, figure, impose

charge [verb]

means "conflict"
attack, dash, lunge, assail, invade, set on

charge [verb]

means "allocation"
ascribe, lay, impute

charge [noun]

means "cost"
amount, assessment, fee, toll, encumbrance, price

charge [noun]

means "conflict"
assault, attack, rush, invasion, onslaught, onset

chattel [noun]

means "property"
belongings, goods, assets, wealth

check [verb]

means "verification"
verify, confirm, audit, assess, review, inspect

choke [verb]

means "strangle"
stifle, throttle, smother, suffocate, asphyxiate, gag

chore [noun]

means "task"
responsibility, job, duty, assignment, routine

cinder [noun]

means "hot coal"
clinker, ash, ember, coal, soot

circle [noun]

means "people"
company, assortment

circumstances [noun]

means "resources"
financial standing, assets

claim [verb]

means "demand"
require, challenge, ask, command, call for, deserve

claim [verb]

means "affirmation"
assert, declare, maintain, affirm, profess, pronounce

claim [noun]

means "demand"
assertion, petition, request, requirement, asseveration, allegation

clear [adjective]

means "property"
certain, strong, assured, alert, keen, definite

clerical [adjective]

means "clerk's"
office, typing, assistant, subordinate

clever [adjective]

means "characteristic"
alert, astute, graceful, keen, handy, adroit

climax [noun]

means "event"

climb [verb]

means "activity"
ascend, clamber, mount, scale, surmount, scramble

climb [noun]

means "process"
ascent, increase, climbing, mounting, rise, advancement

climbing [noun]

means "ascent"
rising, ascension, rise, mounting

close [adjective]

means "characteristic"
painstaking, assiduous, concentrated, constant, earnest, fixed

club [noun]

means "society"
association, lodge, society, league, circle, clique

cluster [noun]

means "small crowd"
concentration, following, group, assemblage, pack, mob

co-operator [noun]

means "collaborator"
associate, contributor, colleague, helper, assistant

co-worker [noun]

means "associate"
colleague, affiliate, assistant, partner, agency, fellow

coadjutor [noun]

means "colleague"
helper, associate, assistant, coworker

cogency [noun]

means "acumen"
insight, keenness, astuteness, sharpness, acuteness, wisdom

coincide [verb]

means "agree"
concur, affirm, assent, accord, correspond, harmonise

collaborator [noun]

means "co-operator"
associate, contributor, colleague, helper, assistant

collate [verb]

means "group"
order, assemble, shuffle, organise, organize, verify

colleague [noun]

means "fellow"
peer, equal, associate, member, friend, contemporary

collect [verb]

means "gather"
meet, convoke, muster, assemble, flock, convene

collection [noun]

means "collecting"
compilation, amassing, assembling, acquisition, discovering

collection [noun]

means "aggregation"
variety, accumulation, set, multitude, assortment, series

colorless [adjective]

means "drab"
ashen, lustreless, lusterless [US], uninspired, flat

colourless [adjective]

means "drab"
pallid, lack-lustre, lifeless, pale, dull, ashen

combat [verb]

means "battle"
confront, assail, contest, resist, contend, withstand

combat [verb]

means "assault"
clash, assail, engage, blitz, fight, skirmish

combatant [noun]

means "fighter"
assailant, aggressor, warrior, brawler, soldier

combination [noun]

means "joining"
junction, association, uniting, blending, admixture, fusion

combination [noun]

means "alliance"
association, coalition, league, organisation, organization, faction

combination [noun]

means "aggregation"
assortment, aggregate, medley, conglomeration, composite, mélange

come at [verb]

means "attack"
assault, assail, invade

come into [verb]

means "join"
associate with, align, enter into

come up [verb]

means "go up"
ascend, rise, climb, stand, mount, arise

coming [adjective]

means "improving one's place"
climbing, advancing, promising, aspiring

command [noun]

means "mastery"
authority, ascendancy, head, dominion, control, power

commend [verb]

means "entrust"
confide, commit, consign, assign, delegate, confer

commination [noun]

means "ban"
threatening, menace, malediction, diatribe, obloquy, aspersion

commission [verb]

means "empower"
authorise, authorize, order, appoint, assign, bid

commission [noun]

means "entrustment"
delegation, sending, authorizing, assignment

commissioned [adjective]

means "chosen"
designated, appointed, selected, named, assigned, picked

commitment [noun]

means "pledge"
promise, guarantee, assurance, word, warrant

communion [noun]

means "exchange"
union, fellowship, agreement, sharing, association, togetherness

companionship [noun]

means "fellowship"
association, friendship, fraternity, company, society, camaraderie

company [noun]

means "fellowship"
association, friendship, fraternity, companionship, society, camaraderie

company [noun]

means "corporation"
enterprise, association, alliance, concern, firm, house

comparable [adjective]

means "analogous"
equivalent, homogeneous, alike, allied, associated

compare [verb]

means "match"
equate, resemble, associate, identify with, equal, look like

compeer [noun]

means "comrade"
crony, associate, companion, friend, chum, consort

compilation [noun]

means "gathering"
assembling, collecting, combining

complexion [noun]

means "appearance"
seeming, aspect, semblance, nature

comprehend [verb]

means "understand"
assimilate, know

compunctious [adjective]

means "remorseful"
sorry, contrite, penitent, ashamed

comrade [noun]

means "associate"
assistant, affiliate, equal, colleague, companion, accomplice

comradeship [noun]

means "friendly intercourse"
camaraderie, fellowship, affability, association, communion, fraternity

concentrate [verb]

means "collect"
gather, assemble, aggregate, integrate, consolidate, cluster

concern [noun]

means "importance"

conclude [verb]

means "reach a conclusion"
deduce, infer, gather, reason, assume, presume

conclusion [noun]

means "inference"
deduction, realisation, realization, presumption, understanding, assumption

concourse [noun]

means "gathering"
confluence, crowd, congregation, gang, meeting, assemblage

concrete [noun]

means "pavement"
cement, mortar, asphalt

concur [verb]

means "agree with"
approve, acquiesce, agree on, come to terms, assent, accede

concurrence [noun]

means "acquiescence"

condition [noun]

means "financial standing"

confederate [verb]

means "federate"
league, associate, ally

confederate [noun]

means "accomplice"
accessory, ally, associate, cohort, conspirator

confederate [adjective]

means "confederated"
associated, federal, allied

confession [noun]

means "sworn statement"

confident [adjective]

means "sure"
positive, certain, convinced, assured, cocksure, indisputable

confirm [verb]

means "strengthen"
fortify, reinforce, assure, support, establish, invigorate

confiscate [verb]

means "appropriate"
assume, seize, expropriate, arrogate, usurp

confluence [noun]

means "meeting"
crowd, gathering, assembly, concourse

confusion [noun]

means "bafflement"
puzzlement, astonishment, mystification, quandary, bewilderment, distraction

conglomeration [noun]

means "aggregation"
assortment, aggregate, medley, combination, composite, mélange

congregate [verb]

means "gather"
aggregate, assemble, collect, bring together, draw together, get together

congress [noun]

means "conference"
caucus, assembly, convocation, convention, council, meeting

conjectural [adjective]

means "hypothetical"
theoretical, speculative, doubtful, supposititious, presumptive, assumed

conjoin [verb]

means "connect"
associate, correlate, relate, identify with, link, ally

conjunction [noun]

means "connection"
unification, incorporation, association, union, combination, consolidation

connect [verb]

means "associate"
relate, correlate, attribute, bracket, identify with, assign

connected [adjective]

means "related"
relevant, associated, pertinent, applicable, interrelated

connected [adjective]

means "joined in order"
coherent, associated, undivided, consecutive, contiguous, constant

connection [noun]

means "affiliation"
kinship, reciprocity, respect, affinity, association, relationship

connotation [noun]

means "something implied"
implication, inference, insinuation, assumption, indication, ramification

consent [verb]

means "approve of"
grant, approve, acquiesce, agree, allow, assent

consent [noun]

means "acquiescence"

consequently [object]

means "thus"
accordingly, hence, as a result, therefore

consign [verb]

means "entrust"
appoint, authorise, authorize, delegate, commission, assign

consistent [adjective]

means "constant"
uniform, faithful, undeviating, unwavering, steady, assiduous

consolidation [noun]

means "amalgamation"
alliance, incorporation, union, association, confederation, federation

consort [verb]

means "join"
fraternise, fraternize, associate, befriend, accompany

consort [noun]

means "companion"
spouse, associate, friend, husband, wife

conspirator [noun]

means "accomplice"
accessory, ally, associate, cohort, confederate

conspire [verb]

means "collaborate"
associate, consort, abet, collude, cooperate, concur

constant [adjective]

means "determined"
diligent, assiduous, steadfast, persevering, steady, resolute

constitution [noun]

means "character"
disposition, aspect, organisation, organization, structure, essence

consult [verb]

means "receive"
see, discuss, entertain, ask, talk

content [adjective]

means "agreeable"
assenting, resigned, quiescent, tranquil, willing, peaceful

contention [noun]

means "claim"
assertion, avowal, position, profession, allegation

contiguous [adjective]

means "joined in order"
coherent, associated, undivided, consecutive, connected, constant

contorted [adjective]

means "deformed"
distorted, askew, crooked, awry, gnarled, disfigured

contract [verb]

means "covenant"
pact, make terms, agree on, pledge, promise, assent

contracting [adjective]

means "constrictive"
binding, astringent

contribute [verb]

means "advance"
encourage, advantage, uphold, assist, forward, promote

contribution [noun]

means "addition"
improvement, increase, augmentation, supplement, subsidy, assistance

contributor [noun]

means "co-operator"
associate, collaborator, colleague, helper, assistant

contrived [adjective]

means "constructed"
fabricated, completed, assembled, created, produced, made

control [noun]

means "political power"
reign, rule, sovereignty, government, ascendancy, sway

controlling [adjective]

means "governing"
ascendant, master, common, dominant, first, important

contumely [noun]

means "arrogance"
nerve, haughtiness, conceit, pride, assumption, effrontery

convenience [noun]

means "relief"
comfort, ease, accommodation, help, freedom, assistance

conversant [adjective]

means "familiar with"
learned, knowledgeable, associating, practiced, acquainted, proficient

convocation [noun]

means "gathering"
celebration, rally, convention, assembly, meeting, session

convoke [verb]

means "gather"
meet, collect, muster, assemble, flock, convene

cool [verb]

means "action"
calm, abate, allay, assuage, dampen, moderate

coolness [noun]

means "aplomb"
assurance, poise, intrepidity, self-confidence, courage, bravery

cooperating [adjective]

means "aiding"
helpful, supporting, helping, auxiliary, assisting, sustaining, assistant

corporation [noun]

means "company"
enterprise, association, alliance, concern, firm, house

corrective [noun]

means "help"
aid, assistance, relief, reparation, redress, cure

correlate [verb]

means "relate"
associate, equate, compare, connect

corroborative [adjective]

means "confirmatory"
collateral, agreeing, assenting

coterie [noun]

means "group"

countenance [noun]

means "approval"
accept, aid, approbation, assistance, encouragement, favour

countenance [noun]

means "appearance"
aspect, expression, look, mien

counteractive [adjective]

means "help"
aid, assistance, relief, reparation, redress, corrective

counterfeit [adjective]

means "pretended"
assumed, pretentious, put on

couple [verb]

means "joining"
yoke, associate, come together, conjoin, connect, fasten

cover [noun]

means "protection"
harbour, screen, asylum, pretence, concealment, defence

crafty [adjective]

means "subtle"
cunning, wily, sly, artful, astute, guileful

created [adjective]

means "constructed"
fabricated, completed, assembled, built, produced, made

credence [noun]

means "faith"
acceptance, assent, belief, credit, trust, confidence

credit [noun]

means "finance"
funds, assets, stocks, bonds, account

crinkled [adjective]

means "crooked"
zigzag, askew, bent, awry, curved, diagonal

crony [noun]

means "friend"
acquaintance, associate, colleague, pal, companion

crooked [adjective]

means "deformed"
distorted, askew, contorted, awry, gnarled, crippled

crowd [verb]

means "activity"
assemble, troop, flock together, herd, swarm, throng

culmination [noun]

means "zenith"
climax, acme, pinnacle, summit, extremity, ascendancy

cure [noun]

means "health"
help, aid, assistance, relief, reparation, redress

custom [noun]

means "cost"
tax, assessment, duty, dues, impost, toll

customarily [object]

means "ordinarily"
regularly, routinely, as a matter of course, commonly

date [noun]

means "event"
appointment, tryst, engagement, assignation, rendezvous, interview

daze [noun]

means "stupor"
bewilderment, muddle, confusion, astonishment, distraction

dazed [adjective]

means "amazed"
vacant, astonished, muddled, perplexed, bewildered, blank

dead [adjective]

means "property"
deceased, late, expired, asleep, defunct, departed

deal [verb]

means "allocation"
assign, dispense

decided [adjective]

means "certain"
positive, absolute, clear, assured, categorical, clear-cut

declare [verb]

means "maintain"
express, affirm, allege, assert, advocate, mention, asseverate

declaring [adjective]

means "saying"
noting, remarking, asserting, reporting, stating

dedicate [verb]

means "set aside"
devote, assign, allot, apportion, donate, give

deduce [verb]

means "reach a conclusion"
conclude, infer, gather, reason, assume, presume

deem [verb]

means "estimate"
think, assess, consider, count, account, hold

deep [adjective]

means "characteristic"
wise, artful, designing, astute, bright, cunning

defamation [noun]

means "obloquy"
aspersion, disgrace, blame, infamy, calumny, censure

defend [verb]

means "action"
support, apologise, apologize, assert, exonerate, espouse

define [verb]

means "activity"
render precisely, determine, characterise, characterize, ascertain, elucidate

deformed [adjective]

means "crooked"
distorted, askew, contorted, awry, gnarled, disfigured

defunct [adjective]

means "deceased"
late, expired, asleep, dead, departed

delegation [noun]

means "entrustment"
commission, sending, authorizing, assignment

demand [verb]

means "speech"
ask, direct, call, inquire, charge, crave

demand [verb]

means "activity"
require, lust, ask for, oblige, postulate, rule

denomination [noun]

means "label"
name, association, title, identification

denounce [verb]

means "censure"
assail, threaten, attack, damn, blame, brand

depreciation [noun]

means "detraction"
aspersion, disparagement, debasement, lie, degradation

descent [noun]

means "attack"
assault, advance, foray, incursion, raid

designing [adjective]

means "sly"
arch, artful, astute, crafty, cunning, deceitful

desire [verb]

means "request"
ask, seek, solicit

detail [verb]

means "allocation"
assign, appoint, designate, detach, allocate

detail [noun]

means "thing"
part, item, aspect, article, particular, singularity

detraction [noun]

means "insult"
affront, aspersion, abuse, censure, condemnation, defamation

devote [verb]

means "apply"

diagonal [adjective]

means "bias"
bevel, oblique, inclining, askew, biased, slanted

dictum [noun]

means "pronouncement"
dictate, affirmation, assertion, declaration, announcement

digest [verb]

means "consider"
assimilate, analyse, contemplate, ponder, reflect upon, ruminate over

digression [noun]

means "monologue"
aside, departure, diversion, whisper, side show

diligence [noun]

means "persistence"
application, industry, attention, assiduity, effort, devotion

diligent [adjective]

means "industrious"
hardworking, assiduous, attentive, busy, constant, occupied

disfigured [adjective]

means "deformed"
distorted, askew, contorted, awry, gnarled, crooked

dismayed [adjective]

means "horrified"
appalled, confounded, astonished, aghast, alarmed, dumbfounded

disparagement [noun]

means "detraction"
aspersion, depreciation, debasement, lie, degradation

disparagement [noun]

means "censure"
blame, slander, abuse, ridicule, aspersion

dispense [verb]

means "apportion"
scatter, allot, assign, allocate, deal, distribute

disproportionate [adjective]

means "uneven"
irregular, jagged, rough, unequal, unsymmetrical, asymmetric

disregarding [object]

means "except"
aside from, excepting, save, let alone, excluding, without

distorted [adjective]

means "deformed"
crooked, askew, contorted, awry, gnarled, disfigured

diverse [adjective]

means "various"
divergent, manifold, assorted, multiform, distinct, variant

divided [adjective]

means "to pieces"
in two, asunder, in pieces, apart, split

divine [verb]

means "find out"
discover, determine, ascertain

do in [verb]

means "murder"
kill, assassinate, dispatch, annihilate, liquidate, execute

dole [noun]

means "financial assistance"
assistance, handout, welfare, aid, backing, subsidy

dole out [verb]

means "dispense"
mete, share, distribute, parcel, assign

dominant [adjective]

means "governing"
ascendant, master, common, controlling, first, important

domination [noun]

means "mastery"
authority, ascendancy, head, dominion, control, power

don [verb]

means "clothe"
assume, get into, get on, huddle, put on

donkey [noun]

means "person"
dolt, ass, booby

donkey [noun]

means "animal"
ass, dickey, jennet, mule, jackass, burro [US]

doughy [adjective]

means "colourless"
ashen, bleached, blanched, pale, pallid, wan

dream [verb]

means "creed"
believe, assume, create, credit, understand, presume

drown [verb]

means "health"
suffocate under water, asphyxiate

dry [adjective]

means "characteristic"
abstinent, temperate, ascetic

dude [noun]

means "city slicker"
dandy, greenhorn, novice, fop, beau, asphalt cowboy [US]

dues [noun]

means "contribution"
tax, obligation, levy, assessment, membership fee, toll

dumbfound [verb]

means "astound"
amaze, astonish, stagger, confound, shock, surprise

dumbfounded [adjective]

means "amazed"
astonished, puzzled, flabbergasted, surprised, overwhelmed, shocked

dunk [verb]

means "besprinkle"

dust [noun]

means "substance"
dirt, ashes, grime, powder

edgeways [adjective]

means "lateral"
sideling, sideways, askance, indirect, diagonal, sidelong

emphatic [adjective]

means "definite"
expressive, decided, assured, assertive, pointed, insistent

encourage [verb]

means "hearten"
spirit, assure, brighten, animate, comfort, revitalise

engage [verb]

means "fight"
attack, assault, strike, fall upon

engagement [noun]

means "meeting"

ensure [verb]

means "protect"
defend, guard, secure, safeguard, guarantee, assure

enter [verb]

means "deed"
to become a member, join, enroll, take part in, enlist, associate

enter into [verb]

means "covenant"
pact, make terms, agree on, pledge, promise, assent

enter upon [verb]

means "undertake"
take on, shoulder, assume

entreat [verb]

means "appeal for"

entrust [verb]

means "trust"
assign, consign, commission, commit

equate [verb]

means "liken"
assimilate, compare, match, paragon, parallel

erect [verb]

means "set up"
stand, build up, put up, assemble, raise

establish [verb]

means "verify"
prove, ascertain, demonstrate, substantiate, learn, determine

established [adjective]

means "proved"
ascertained, approved, authenticated, confirmed, determined, verified

estimate [verb]

means "assess"
appraise, figure, approximate, assay, compute, call

estimate [noun]

means "judgment"
calculation, appraisal, computation, appraisement, estimation, assessment

estimation [noun]

means "judgment"

evaluate [verb]

means "judge"
assess, weigh, review, consider, reckon

evaluation [noun]

means "judgment"

even [object]

means "part of speech"
also, as well, moreover, likewise, plus

exalted [adjective]

means "highest ranking"
astral, august, noble, highest, honourable, illustrious

except [object]

means "but"
saving, apart from, excepting, without, aside from, excluding

excepting [object]

means "except"
aside from, but, save, let alone, excluding, without

excluding [object]

means "except"
aside from, excepting, save, let alone, but, without

execution [noun]

means "gangland slaying"
murder, assassination, strangling, slaying

experiment [verb]

means "try"
assay, analyse, examine, probe, prove, explore

experiment [noun]

means "test"
check, assay, examination, trial run, procedure, proof

expired [adjective]

means "deceased"
late, dead, asleep, defunct, departed

express [verb]

means "declare"
couch, assert, tell, air, phrase, asseverate

expression [noun]

means "utterance"
assertion, exposition, vent, declaration, narration, voice

expression [noun]

means "air"
aspect, countenance, intonation, look, mien, tone

expropriate [verb]

means "appropriate"
confiscate, seize, assume, arrogate, usurp

exterior [noun]

means "appearance"
outside, surface, aspect, skin, face, superficies

extraordinary [adjective]

means "portentous"
phenomenal, remarkable, amazing, incredible, astounding, indescribable

fabricate [verb]

means "build"

fabulous [adjective]

means "marvellous"
wonderful, amazing, spectacular, astonishing, astounding, incredible

face [noun]

means "characteristic"
front, appearance, facade, dial, aspect, kisser

facet [noun]

means "face"
aspect, plane, point, phase, side

faith [noun]

means "affirmation"
confidence, assurance, sureness, certitude, credence, credit

familiar [noun]

means "companion"
associate, friend

favor [verb]

means "aid"
assist, help, support

favorable [adjective]

means "approving"
approbatory, commending, assenting, recommendatory, complimentary, agreeable

favour [verb]

means "aid"
assist, help, support

favourable [adjective]

means "approving"
assenting, complimentary, agreeable, commendatory

federal [adjective]

means "confederated"
associated, confederate, allied

federation [noun]

means "alliance"
association, coalition, league, organisation, organization, faction

fee [noun]

means "cost"
amount, assessment, charge, toll, encumbrance, price

feigned [adjective]

means "put-on"
pretended, assumed, simulated, faked, calculated, coloured

fellow [noun]

means "graduate student"
graduate, assistant, associate, pensioner, licentiate, academician

fellow [adjective]

means "colleague"
peer, equal, associate, member, friend, contemporary

fellow man [noun]

means "brother"
monk, associate, comrade, kinsman

fellowship [noun]

means "friendly intercourse"
camaraderie, comradeship, affability, association, communion, fraternity

fellowship [noun]

means "club"
brotherhood, fraternity, organisation, organization, association, alliance

fighter [noun]

means "combatant"
assailant, aggressor, warrior, brawler, soldier

firm [noun]

means "thing"
business, association, company, concern, corporation, house

fix [verb]

means "allocation"
assign, refer

flight [noun]

means "thing"
stairs, steps, ascent, fire escape

follower [noun]

means "attendant"
associate, cohort, henchman, companion, servant

fool [noun]

means "person"
dunce, blockhead, ass, booby, butt, dolt

footnote [noun]

means "commentary"
explanation, annotation, assessment, comment, criticism, critique

foray [noun]

means "attack"
assault, advance, descent, incursion, raid

forebear [noun]

means "forefather"

form [noun]

means "group"
assemblage, organisation, organization

forward [adjective]

means "bold"
assuming, brazen, confident, flippant, impertinent, impudent

fraternisation [noun]

means "relationship"
friendship, affinity, companionship, association, fraternization, fellowship

fraternise [verb]

means "mix"
fraternize, hobnob, associate, socialise, socialize, consort

fraternity [noun]

means "club"
brotherhood, fellowship, organisation, organization, association, alliance

fraternization [noun]

means "relationship"
friendship, affinity, companionship, fraternisation, association, fellowship

fraternize [verb]

means "fraternise"
mix, hobnob, associate, socialise, socialize, consort

fraught [adjective]

means "industrious"
assiduous, busy, diligent, sedulous, hardworking, overworked

friend [noun]

means "person"
associate, comrade, ally, compatriot, cohort, colleague

friendship [noun]

means "being friends"
companionship, fellowship, camaraderie, association, familiarity, brotherhood

front [noun]

means "view"
mien, carriage, port, demeanour, aspect, countenance

front [noun]

means "behaviour"
effrontery, assurance, face, rudeness

full [adjective]

means "property"
occupied, assigned, reserved, taken

gather [verb]

means "congregate"
aggregate, assemble, collect, bring together, draw together, get together

gather [verb]

means "conclude"
infer, assume, deduce, learn, understand

gathering [noun]

means "assemblage"
aggregation, assembly, congregation, convocation, crowd, meeting

gauge [verb]

means "estimate"
calculate, check, calibrate, mark, measure, assess

get together [verb]

means "congregate"
aggregate, assemble, collect, bring together, draw together, gather

ghostly [adjective]

means "pale"
ashen, pallid, faint, frightful, ghastly, wan

give [verb]

means "action"
grant, award, confer, assign, enable, assign, suppose, assume

gnarled [adjective]

means "deformed"
distorted, askew, contorted, awry, crooked, disfigured

go up [verb]

means "arise"
ascend, rise, climb, stand, mount, come up

go-between [noun]

means "mediator"
messenger, negotiator, agent, referee, assistant

good [noun]

means "property"
benefit, asset, usefulness, advantage, profit, gain

good fortune [noun]

means "blessing"
advantage, benefit, windfall, asset, boon

governing [adjective]

means "dominant"
ascendant, master, common, controlling, first, important

government [noun]

means "system of administration"
administration, assembly, congress, legislature, regime

grade [noun]

means "nature"
ascent, pitch

gradient [noun]

means "slope"
incline, grade, slant, descent, downgrade, ascent

granted [adjective]

means "presumed"
understood, accepted, assumed, postulated

gray [adjective]

means "characteristic"
charcoal, colourless, colorless [US], drab, dusky, ashen

grey [adjective]

means "colour"
colourless, drab, dusky, ashen, leaden, neutral

group [verb]

means "allocation"
classify, rank, assort, arrange, file, associate

group [verb]

means "activity"
assemble, collect, gather, cluster

group [noun]

means "people"
assembly, gathering, crowd, band, assemblage, bunch

guarantee [verb]

means "ensure"
secure, vouch for, assure, attest, promise, guaranty

guaranty [noun]

means "pledge"
security, certificate, obligation, promise, assurance, certification

guess [noun]

means "anticipation"
conjecture, assumption, hypothesis, postulate, presupposition, notion

guild [noun]

means "professional group"
union, association, society, trade group, organisation, organization

guilty [adjective]

means "feeling"
full of remorse, contrite, ashamed, sorrowful, ambivalent, awful

hand [verb]

means "activity"
deliver, bequeath, return, transfer, pass, assign

hand out [verb]

means "allot"
deliver, deal, disseminate, ration, apportion, assign

handout [noun]

means "financial assistance"
assistance, aid, welfare, dole, backing, subsidy

harbor [noun]

means "refuge"
asylum, chamber, cover, haven, protection, house

harbour [noun]

means "refuge"
asylum, chamber, cover, haven, protection, house

hard-working [adjective]

means "industrious"
assiduous, diligent, laborious, sedulous, busy, overworked

hardwood [noun]

means "hard wood"
oak, ash, mahogany

harshness [noun]

means "roughness"
asperity, rudeness, unevenness

have [verb]

means "activity"
assert, asseverate, aver, hold, maintain, testify

haven [noun]

means "refuge"
sanctuary, shelter, asylum, retreat, harbour, hideaway

hearted [verb]

means "encourage"
assure, brighten, animate, comfort, revitalise, revitalize

hegemony [noun]

means "authority"
ascendancy, domination, jurisdiction, command, power, omnipotence

help [verb]

means "assistance"
aid, abet, assist, support, uphold, back

help out [verb]

means "bail out"
relieve, aid, assist

henchman [noun]

means "faithful follower"
follower, accessory, aid, associate, partner, disciple

herd [verb]

means "assemble"
associate, flock, keep company

hermitage [noun]

means "refuge"
sanctuary, shelter, asylum, haven, harbour, hideaway

hireling [noun]

means "mercenary"
thug, hack, goon, assistant, aide

hitting [noun]

means "attack"
beating, violence, assault, aggression, battery

hobnob [verb]

means "associate with"

hobnob with [verb]

means "be on familiar terms"
fraternise, fraternize, associate with, mingle, socialise, socialize

home [noun]

means "institution"
asylum, sanatorium, hospital, refuge, retreat, orphanage

homicide [noun]

means "murder"
assassination, execution, killing, manslaughter, slaying

homogeneous [adjective]

means "analogous"
equivalent, alike, comparable, allied, associated

hope [noun]

means "state"
confidence, faith, reliance, trust, belief, assurance

hypothesis [noun]

means "conjecture"
assumption, guess, postulate, presupposition, notion, presumption

idiotic [adjective]

means "foolish"

imagine [verb]

means "understand"
assume, suppose, believe, expect, gather

imagine [verb]

means "think"

impertinent [adjective]

means "silly"
absurd, ridiculous, asinine, inane, trivial

implication [noun]

means "something implied"
connotation, inference, insinuation, assumption, indication, ramification

implication [noun]

means "entanglement"
link, connection, association, involvement, reference

imply [verb]

means "activity"
presuppose, assume

impose [verb]

means "demand"
claim, call for, ask, exact, expect, require

impregnated [adjective]

means "absorbed"
assimilated, digested

impugn [verb]

means "criticise"
criticize, attack, assail, revile, denounce, blame

impute [verb]

means "accuse"
emphasise, emphasize, charge, impugn, assert, press

in consideration of [adjective]

means "in view of"
taking into account, considering, because of, as regards

in cooperation with [adjective]

means "in collaboration with"
together with, with help from, in concert with, assisting

in league [object]

means "united"
allied, joined, related, co-operative, associated, in partnership

in motion [adjective]

means "moving"
mobile, unstable, going, shifting, ascending, descending

in pieces [adjective]

means "to pieces"
in two, divided, asunder

in reserve [object]

means "to one side"
to the side, abreast, sideways, laterally, alongside, aside

in the air [adjective]

means "prevalent"
abroad, astir, in the making, common, popular, rampant

in the end [adjective]

means "at last"
at length, in conclusion, as a result, finally

in the making [adjective]

means "prevalent"
abroad, astir, in the air, common, popular, rampant

in view of [adjective]

means "in consideration of"
considering, because, taking into account, as regards

inclining [adjective]

means "bias"
bevel, oblique, diagonal, askew, biased, slanted

including [object]

means "in addition to"
along with, as well as, together with

incursion [noun]

means "attack"
assault, advance, foray, descent, raid

industrious [adjective]

means "busy"
assiduous, fraught, diligent, sedulous, hardworking, overworked

industry [noun]

means "activity"

infamy [noun]

means "defamation"
aspersion, disgrace, blame, obloquy, calumny, censure

ingenious [adjective]

means "smart"
astute, bright, clever, discerning, acute, intelligent

inhalation [noun]

means "digestion"
absorption, osmosis, assimilation, transformation

insist [verb]

means "speech"
assert, contend, claim, maintain, allege, warrant

inspect [verb]

means "examine"
ascertain, determine, fathom, sound, investigate, probe

intelligent [adjective]

means "keen"
astute, bright, smart, shrewd, quick, clever

intercourse [noun]

means "commerce"
communion, dealings, interchange, communication, association

interrogate [verb]

means "inquire"
query, ask, survey, examine, question, interrogation

interrogation [verb]

means "inquire"
query, survey, examine, question, ask

intimate [noun]

means "friend"
confidant, pal, buddy, chum, associate, crony

intimidate [verb]

means "daunt"
astonish, stupefy, shock, overwhelm, awe, amaze

intrepidity [noun]

means "aplomb"
coolness, poise, assurance, self-confidence, courage, bravery

intrinsically [object]

means "in itself"
as such, alone

invade [verb]

means "action"
attack, assail, assault, storm, raid, overrun

investment [noun]

means "resources"
money, property, assets, cash, capital, means

invite [verb]

means "speech"
request, solicit, bid, ask, summon, call

involvement [noun]

means "commitment"
engagement, responsibility, association, connection, preoccupation

irregular [adjective]

means "uneven"
disproportionate, jagged, rough, unequal, unsymmetrical, asymmetric

job [noun]

means "deed"
task, assignment, chore, duty, role

joining [noun]

means "assembling"
assembly, construction, attachment, collection

judgment [verb]

means "estimate"
calculation, appraisal, computation, appraisement, estimation, assessment

justify [verb]

means "maintain"
confirm, corroborate, warrant, contend, assert, claim

keen [adjective]

means "property"
astute, shrewd, clever, discerning, incisive, quick

keenness [noun]

means "acumen"
insight, cogency, astuteness, sharpness, acuteness, wisdom

kill [verb]

means "criminality"
slay, murder, execute, butcher, assassinate, slaughter

killer [noun]

means "butcher"
assassin, murderer, thug

killing [adjective]

means "murder"
manslaughter, violent death, slaying, homicide, assassination, bloodshed

kindred [adjective]

means "allied"
germane, similar, related, alike, associated, like

kisser [noun]

means "front"
appearance, facade, dial, aspect, face, countenance

kit [noun]

means "set of useful items"
set, parts, tools, collection, material, assortment

knock off [verb]

means "murder"
kill, assassinate, dispatch, annihilate, do in, execute

knowable [adjective]

means "comprehensible"
discernible, apparent, conceivable, fathomable, ascertainable, recognisable

knowledgeable [adjective]

means "familiar with"
learned, conversant, associating, practiced, acquainted, proficient

laborious [adjective]

means "painstaking"
detailed, assiduous, diligent, hard-working, industrious

laterally [object]

means "to one side"
to the side, abreast, sideways, aside, alongside, in reserve

lay [verb]

means "action"
attribute, ascribe, blame, impute, charge, point, impose, charge, burden, penalise, penalize, assess

learn [verb]

means "perception"
master, acquire, ascertain, pick up, get, detect

legislature [noun]

means "legal body"
congress, parliament, council, assembly

lesson [noun]

means "event"
exercise, assignment, drill, reading, recitation

let alone [object]

means "except"
aside from, excepting, save, but, excluding, without

levy [verb]

means "charge"
assess, toll, tax, exact, impose, put

levy [noun]

means "tax"
assessment, tariff, toll, duty

light [noun]

means "opinion"
aspect, perspective, angle, point of view, viewpoint, approach

lighten [verb]

means "alleviate"
mitigate, ease, allay, assuage, unburden, disburden

likewise [adjective]

means "in addition"
additionally, also, as well, along, besides, furthermore

linking [adjective]

means "joining"
connecting, combining, associating, bonding, tying, coupling

liquidate [verb]

means "murder"
kill, assassinate, dispatch, annihilate, do in, execute

liquidation [noun]

means "murder"
manslaughter, violent death, slaying, homicide, assassination, bloodshed

lodge [noun]

means "club"
affiliation, association, brotherhood, society

lodging [noun]

means "personal accommodation"

longing [noun]

means "desire"
yearning, craving, hankering, wish, aspiration, dream

look [noun]

means "appearance"
air, manner, mien, aspect

lot [verb]

means "allocation"
allot, apportion, assign, give, allow, mete

lot [noun]

means "group"
assortment, bunch, set, batch, crowd, array

lull [verb]

means "soothe"
calm, mollify, allay, quiet, assuage, still

lunatic [adjective]

means "foolish"

lurid [adjective]

means "pale"
ashen, pallid, wan, dismal, gloomy, murky

lustreless [adjective]

means "drab"
pallid, lacklustre, lifeless, pale, dull, ashen

lying down [adjective]

means "reclining"
resting, asleep

maintain [verb]

means "affirm"
declare, state, assert, contend, claim, hold

make [verb]

means "process"
manufacture, create, construct, assemble, build, produce

make an effort [verb]

means "try"
aspire, attempt, endeavour, strive, essay, seek

manner [noun]

means "appearance"
look, air, aspect, demeanour, mien, deportment

manslaughter [noun]

means "killing"
assassination, annihilation, blood, homicide, carnage, murder

manslayer [noun]

means "murderer"
assassin, killer, torpedo

manufacture [verb]

means "make"
put together, build, set up, fashion, assemble, construct

manufactured [adjective]

means "made"
produced, constructed, assembled, fabricated, built, shaped

manufacturing [noun]

means "production"
fabrication, building, construction, assembly, assembling, casting

marry [verb]

means "joining"
unite, give, associate, combine, link, hitch

marshal [verb]

means "order"
assemble, deploy, gather, dispose, organise, organize

marvellous [adjective]

means "miraculous"
supernatural, phenomenal, unusual, astonishing, astounding, strange

marvelous [adjective]

means "miraculous"
supernatural, phenomenal, unusual, astonishing, astounding, strange

mate [noun]

means "comrade"
assistant, affiliate, equal, colleague, companion, accomplice, associate

meet [verb]

means "group"
gather, assemble, collect, congregate, convene, muster

meeting [noun]

means "talk"
conference, gathering, assembly, rally, parley, convention

meeting of minds [noun]

means "agreement"
assent, consensus, accord, approval

mien [noun]

means "bearing"
air, comportment, demeanor, appearance, aspect, deportment

mindless [adjective]

means "foolish"
senseless, stupid, asinine, simple, unintelligent, brainless

mingle [verb]

means "socialize"
socialise, fraternise, fraternize, associate, participate

minion [noun]

means "inferior"
lackey, follower, dependent, subordinate, assistant, slave

ministration [noun]

means "aid"
attendance, assistance, help, service, use, usefulness

miscellany [noun]

means "medley"
assortment, jumble, melee, mixed bag, motley, pot-pourri

mitigate [verb]

means "alleviate"
assuage, lessen, relieve, soothe, ease, palliate

mix [verb]

means "association"
fraternize, fraternise, hobnob, associate, socialise, socialize

mixed [adjective]

means "various"
assorted, miscellaneous, diverse, different

mixed [adjective]

means "commingled"
combined, united, joined, assimilated

moderate [verb]

means "abate"
modulate, allay, restrain, appease, assuage, calm

molest [verb]

means "violate"
rape, ravish, attack, assault

money [noun]

means "possession"
assets, capital, funds, property, riches, wealth

morale [noun]

means "spirit"
esprit, esprit de corps, assurance, resolve, confidence

moreover [object]

means "also"
as well, even, likewise, plus

motley [adjective]

means "heterogeneous"
mixed, miscellaneous, assorted, indiscriminate, varied, sundry

movables [noun]

means "possessions"
belongings, effects, goods, assets, property, wares

moving [adjective]

means "in motion"
mobile, unstable, going, shifting, ascending, descending

mug [verb]

means "action"
attack, assault, rob, victimise, victimize, molest, assail

multifarious [adjective]

means "multiple"
numerous, various, manifold, assorted, miscellaneous, motley

murder [verb]

means "action"
kill, assassinate, destroy, cool, do in, slay

murder [noun]

means "criminality"
killing, assassination, annihilation, homicide, carnage, manslaughter

murderer [noun]

means "killer"
assassin, butcher, thug

muster [verb]

means "gather"
assemble, collect, congregate, convene, convoke, marshal

muster [noun]

means "gathering"
assemblage, assembly, collection, congregation, convention

mystification [noun]

means "bafflement"
puzzlement, astonishment, confusion, quandary, bewilderment, distraction

named [adjective]

means "chosen"
designated, appointed, selected, commissioned, assigned, picked

napping [adjective]

means "gullible"
undoubting, innocent, unaware, unsuspecting, asleep, unprepared

near [adjective]

means "position"
close, abutting, aside, near at hand, adjacent, neighbouring

near-sighted [adjective]

means "myopic"
short-sighted, astigmatic

necessary [adjective]

means "inevitable"
involuntary, unavoidable, undeniable, assured, certain, imminent

negotiate [verb]

means "transfer"
assign, barter, circulate, allocate, deliver, transmit

neighbor [noun]

means "nearby resident"
acquaintance, associate, friend, bystander

neighbour [noun]

means "nearby resident"
acquaintance, associate, friend, bystander

nod [verb]

means "agree"
approve, consent, bend, concur, acquiesce, assent

nominee [noun]

means "candidate"
applicant, aspirant, contestant, competitor, solicitor, postulant

notable [adjective]

means "diligent"
alert, assiduous, capable, careful, clever, industrious

note [noun]

means "speech"
commentary, explanation, annotation, assessment, comment, criticism

noticing [adjective]

means "observant"
perceiving, heeding, seeing, regarding, astute, alert

notify [verb]

means "announce"
proclaim, herald, blazon, assert, promulgate, advertise

notion [noun]

means "opinion"
idea, assumption, sentiment, thought

numb [adjective]

means "anaesthetised"

oblique [adjective]

means "askew"

obliquely [object]

means "to one side"

obloquy [noun]

means "defamation"
aspersion, disgrace, blame, infamy, calumny, censure

observation [noun]

means "comment"
mention, aside, note, commentary, remark, speech

off balance [adjective]

means "unbalanced"

off course [adjective]

means "misguided"
drifting, lost, wayward, astray

offence [noun]

means "attack"
aggression, battery, assault, onset

offense [noun]

means "attack"
aggression, battery, assault, onset

omnipotence [noun]

means "authority"
ascendancy, domination, jurisdiction, command, hegemony, power

on foot [adjective]

means "walking"
afoot, astir, at large, pedestrian

one [adjective]

means "joining"
united, joined, connected, linked, related, associated

onset [noun]

means "attack"
charge, onslaught, assault, rush, encounter, offensive

onslaught [noun]

means "attack"
raid, invasion, assault, offensive, combat, storming

open-eyed [adjective]

means "amazed"
astounded, surprised, startled

optimism [noun]

means "confidence"
assurance, encouragement, trust, calmness, expectancy, expectation

orchestrate [verb]

means "co-ordinate"
organise, organize, manage, plan, direct, assist

ordeal [noun]

means "test"
assay, tribulation, proof, trial

orient [noun]

means "Far East"
Asia, Middle East, China

osmosis [noun]

means "digestion"
absorption, assimilation, inhalation, transformation

out of place [adjective]

means "displaced"
mislaid, lost, gone, moved, not belonging, astray

overall [adjective]

means "altogether"
all told, all in all, as a whole

own [verb]

means "acknowledgement"
admit, grant, assent to, allow, declare, avow

pact [noun]

means "covenant"
contract, make terms, agree on, pledge, promise, assent

pal [noun]

means "friend"
confidant, intimate, buddy, chum, associate, crony

pale [adjective]

means "colour"
colourless, ashen, bleached, blanched, doughy, pallid

palliate [verb]

means "extenuate"
mitigate, assuage, soften, exculpate, subdue, vindicate

pallid [adjective]

means "drab"
colourless, lack-lustre, lifeless, pale, dull, ashen

paralyzed [adjective]

means "anaesthetised"

participator [noun]

means "participant"
co-operator, associate

partner [noun]

means "cohort"

partnership [noun]

means "alliance"
association, fellowship, society, union, brotherhood, coterie

party [noun]

means "group"
band, assemblage, multitude, assembly, mob, company

patient [adjective]

means "diligent"
assiduous, indefatigable, persevering, persistent, sedulous, untiring

patronage [noun]

means "support"
assistance, aegis, benefaction, encouragement

pavement [noun]

means "concrete"
cement, mortar, asphalt

perceptive [adjective]

means "discerning"
perspicacious, sharp, sagacious, wise, on the ball, astute

peremptory [adjective]

means "authoritative"
arbitrary, autocratic, tyrannical, dictatorial, assertive, dogmatic

permissive [adjective]

means "approving"
assenting, accordant, acquiescent, permitting, allowing, sanctioning

perplexity [noun]

means "bewilderment"
astonishment, puzzlement, stupefaction, confusion, uncertainty, quandary

perseverance [noun]

means "persistence"
diligence, industry, attention, assiduity, effort, devotion

persevering [adjective]

means "determined"
diligent, assiduous, steadfast, constant, steady, resolute

persisting [adjective]

means "continuous"
tireless, untiring, unrelenting, assiduous, unflagging, consistent

pert [adjective]

means "bold"
assuming, brazen, confident, flippant, impertinent, impudent

petitioner [noun]

means "solicitor"
suitor, applicant, aspirant, candidate, claimant, postulant

petrify [verb]

means "frighten"
scare, terrify, alarm, startle, astonish, paralyse

phenomenal [adjective]

means "extraordinary"
sensational, spectacular, marvellous, amazing, astonishing

phenomenon [noun]

means "event"
circumstance, aspect, appearance, fact, happening, incident

pile [verb]

means "amass"
accumulate, hoard, store, assemble, collect, heap up

pile [noun]

means "heap"
accumulation, bank, assemblage, cock, collection, mass

pitch [verb]

means "property"
slope, rise, fall, ascend, lean, tilt

placate [verb]

means "satisfy"
mollify, appease, assuage, allay, propitiate, sate

plus [object]

means "addition"
also, as well, moreover, likewise, even

politic [adjective]

means "prudent"
astute, expedient, discreet, judicious, provident

pool [verb]

means "joining"
combine, blend, join, merge, associate, unite

portentous [adjective]

means "extraordinary"
phenomenal, remarkable, amazing, incredible, astounding, indescribable

pose [verb]

means "profess"
assert, propound, pretend, state, make

positive [adjective]

means "emphatic"
peremptory, expressed, obstinate, stated, assertive, resolute

possessions [noun]

means "property"
belongings, equity, assets, effects, holdings, estate

post [noun]

means "position"
appointment, assignment, office, beat, round, station

powder [noun]

means "substance"
dirt, ashes, grime, dust

power [noun]

means "rule"
authority, ascendancy, domination, jurisdiction, command, hegemony

pre-empt [verb]

means "usurp"
seize, stake a claim, adopt, assume

predominant [adjective]

means "governing"
ascendant, master, common, controlling, first, important

premise [verb]

means "postulate"
theorise, theorize, preface, set forth, assert, assume

preponderance [noun]

means "majority"
ascendancy, primacy, supremacy, superiority, dominance, sovereignty

prescribe [verb]

means "devote"

presence [noun]

means "appearance"
port, aspect, demeanour, bearing, behaviour, carriage

presumptuous [adjective]

means "bold"
assuming, brazen, confident, flippant, impertinent, impudent

presuppose [verb]

means "presume"
infer, give, assume, suppose, deem, believe

presupposition [noun]

means "supposition"
conjecture, surmise, assumption, assuming, presumption, hypothesis

pretend [verb]

means "feign"
affect, mislead, assume, beguile, counterfeit, delude

pretended [adjective]

means "counterfeit"
assumed, pretentious, put on

pretension [noun]

means "claim"
assertion, demand, declaration, stake, affirmation, interest

price [verb]

means "activity"
appraise, assess, rate, value, mark, reduce

primacy [noun]

means "majority"
ascendancy, preponderance, supremacy, superiority, dominance, sovereignty

prodigious [adjective]

means "unusual"
phenomenal, amazing, preternatural, astonishing, astounding, extraordinary

produced [adjective]

means "constructed"
fabricated, completed, assembled, created, built, made

profession [noun]

means "declaration"
assertion, vow, asseveration, avowal

profundity [noun]

means "sagacity"
wisdom, acumen, astuteness, penetration, authority, erudition

prom [noun]

means "dance"
masquerade, reception, ball, promenade, assembly

promise [verb]

means "pledge"

promise [noun]

means "pledge"
assurance, pact, engagement, covenant, pass, word

promote [verb]

means "elevate"
advance, ascend

prompt [verb]

means "assistance"
hint, assist, prod, suggest, propose, aid

property [noun]

means "possessions"
belongings, equity, assets, effects, holdings, estate

propitiate [verb]

means "satisfy"
mollify, placate, assuage, allay, appease, sate

proposition [verb]

means "approach"
ask, accost, solicit

protest [verb]

means "assert"
affirm, asseverate, attest, aver, avow, declare

prove [verb]

means "activity"
test, assay, examine, try, verify, ascertain, corroborate, confirm, certify, demonstrate

provide [verb]

means "serve"
aid, assist, help, oblige, abet, accommodate

punctilious [adjective]

means "careful"
painstaking, assiduous, attentive, exacting, scrupulous, patient

pungency [noun]

means "tartness"
acidity, acerbity, bitterness, astringency

puritan [noun]

means "holy person"
monk, penitent, ascetic

purpose [noun]

means "aim"
direction, design, prospect, determination, aspiration, end

put on [adjective]

means "pretence"
feigned, pretended, assumed, simulated, faked, calculated

putative [adjective]

means "commonly accepted"
accepted, supposed, reputed, presumed, assumed, so-called

puzzlement [noun]

means "bafflement"
confusion, astonishment, mystification, quandary, bewilderment, distraction

qualify [verb]

means "moderate"
assuage, diminish, ease, meliorate, mitigate, mollify

quarantine [verb]

means "separate"
set apart, keep apart, isolate, partition, assign

quarter [verb]

means "lodge"
house, assign, establish, locate, post, place

quench [verb]

means "drink"
gorge, satisfy, assuage, satiate, sate, flake

query [noun]

means "inquire"
ask, interrogate, survey, examine, question, interrogation

quick-witted [adjective]

means "clever"
shrewd, astute, alert, sharp, salty, crackerjack [US]

quiescent [adjective]

means "agreeable"
assenting, resigned, content, tranquil, willing, peaceful

quiet [verb]

means "activity"
soothe, calm, assuage, compose, soften, lull

raid [verb]

means "action"
invade, attack, assault, storm, assail, forage

raid [noun]

means "conflict"
attack, invasion, assault, onset, seizure, foray

rail at [verb]

means "rage"
fume, denounce, assail, depreciate, rant, discredit

raise [verb]

means "activity"
collect, accumulate, gather, assemble, bring together, allocate

rally [noun]

means "gathering"
celebration, convocation, convention, assembly, meeting, session

rape [verb]

means "activity"
molest, assault, abuse, violate, force, defile

rape [noun]

means "criminality"
abduction, assault, attack, violation, molestation

rate [verb]

means "activity"
appraise, evaluate, rank, assess, grade, reckon

ravish [verb]

means "rape"
violate, deflower, abuse, defile, seduce, assault

reckon [verb]

means "estimate"
think, assess, consider, count, deem, hold

recognisable [adjective]

means "discernible"
distinguishable, perceptible, visible, ascertainable, apparent, appreciable

recognizable [adjective]

means "discernible"
distinguishable, perceptible, visible, ascertainable, apparent, recognisable

reconcile [verb]

means "appease"
pacify, settle, conciliate, placate, accord, assuage

refer [verb]

means "indication"
hint at, ascribe

reflect upon [verb]

means "consider"
assimilate, analyse, contemplate, ponder, digest, ruminate over

reflection [noun]

means "reproach"
censure, aspersion, discredit, imputation

refuge [noun]

means "protection"
shelter, asylum, retreat, sanctuary, security, harbourage

regarding [object]

means "apropos"
about, as regards, concerning

regardless [object]

means "despite"
aside from, although

relate [verb]

means "connect"
link, ally, correlate, associate

related [adjective]

means "connected"
relevant, associated, pertinent, applicable, interrelated

relation [noun]

means "relationship"
alliance, association, connection, dependence

relationship [noun]

means "relation"
alliance, association, connection, dependence

relegate [verb]

means "consign"
transfer, send, entrust, assign, commit, dispatch

relief [noun]

means "assistance"
aid, help, alleviation, ease, assuagement, remission

relieve [verb]

means "aid"
assist, help, remedy, succour, support, sustain

remark [noun]

means "language"
statement, assertion, expression, declaration, observation, mention, commentary, asseveration

remove [verb]

means "kill"
assassinate, liquidate, destroy, do away with, murder

render [verb]

means "give"
assign, present, deliver

rendezvous [verb]

means "meet"
gather, assemble, get together, congregate

reputed [adjective]

means "commonly accepted"
accepted, supposed, putative, presumed, assumed, so-called

require [verb]

means "demand"

reserve [noun]

means "savings"
assets, stock, resources, security, store, supply

resigned [adjective]

means "agreeable"
assenting, content, quiescent, tranquil, willing, peaceful

resources [noun]

means "capital"
money, property, assets, cash, investment, means

restrained [adjective]

means "unwilling"
ashamed, hesitant, reluctant, muddled

retreat [noun]

means "refuge"
sanctuary, shelter, asylum, haven, harbour, hideaway

ridiculous [adjective]

means "senseless"
absurd, foolish, idiotic, stupid, asinine, inane

rise [verb]

means "activity"
ascend, arise, climb, aspire, surmount, lift

rise [noun]

means "event"
ascent, upsurge, mounting, rising, upgrade

rising [noun]

means "ascent"
ascension, climbing, rise, mounting

rocket [verb]

means "action"
zoom, ascend, sky-rocket, soar, shoot up

routinely [object]

means "ordinarily"
regularly, as a matter of course, customarily, commonly

safety [noun]

means "protection"
security, invulnerability, refuge, shelter, sanctuary, asylum

sagacious [adjective]

means "clever"
keen, witty, perceptive, sharp, shrewd, astute

sally [verb]

means "sortie"
raid, foray, charge, attack, assault, storm

sanctuary [noun]

means "retreat"
shelter, refuge, asylum, haven, preserve, resort

sate [verb]

means "satisfy"
mollify, placate, assuage, allay, propitiate, appease

satiate [verb]

means "fulfil"
complete, accomplish, meet, assuage, satisfy, provide

satisfy [verb]

means "fulfil"
complete, accomplish, meet, assuage, satiate, provide

satisfy [verb]

means "convince"
assure, persuade, induce, inveigle

savings [noun]

means "reserve"
assets, stock, resources, security, store, supply

say [verb]

means "affirmation"
maintain, assert, hold, allege, affirm, answer

scale [verb]

means "activity"
climb, ascend, mount, progress, surmount

scandal [noun]

means "calumny"
defamation, slander, hearsay, rumour, gossip, aspersion

secure [verb]

means "protection"
defend, guard, ensure, safeguard, guarantee, assure

secure [adjective]

means "character trait"
confident, assured, positive, certain, sure, hopeful

security [noun]

means "confidence"
assurance, conviction, certainty, reassurance, soundness, peace of mind

sedulous [adjective]

means "diligent"
assiduous, industrious, persevering, unremitting, ardent, studious

see [verb]

means "perception"
recognize, determine, ascertain

seek [verb]

means "pursue"
follow, quest, query, inquire, request, ask

semblance [noun]

means "appearance"
exterior, form, aspect, air, bearing, mien

send [verb]

means "action"

sending [noun]

means "entrustment"
delegation, commission, authorizing, assignment

sensational [adjective]

means "exciting"
spectacular, marvellous, thrilling, moving, incredible, astonishing

senseless [adjective]

means "ridiculous"
absurd, foolish, idiotic, stupid, asinine, inane

sensible [adjective]

means "reasonable"
judicious, discerning, astute, rational, shrewd, intelligent

serve [verb]

means "profession"
promote, advance, forward, contribute, assist, work

serve [verb]

means "assistance"
help, administer, assist, aid, succour

service [noun]

means "aid"
attendance, assistance, help, ministration, use, usefulness

set [noun]

means "quantity"
collection, assemblage, assortment, kit, pack, outfit

set [noun]

means "opinion"
bearing, aspect

set apart [verb]

means "allocate"
earmark, appoint, designate, appropriate, allot, assign

severe [adjective]

means "characteristic"
strict, austere, unrelieved, astringent, unadorned, simple, plain, ascetic

severity [noun]

means "bitterness"
acrimony, asperity, astringency, sarcasm, sharpness, ill temper

shamefaced [adjective]

means "embarrassed"
ashamed, crest-fallen, humiliated, perplexed, abashed, confused

share [verb]

means "allocation"
apportion, allot, distribute, dispense, partition, assign

sharing [noun]

means "exchange"
union, fellowship, agreement, communion, association, togetherness

sharp [adjective]

means "character trait"
observant, alert, astute, bright, active, discerning

sheepish [adjective]

means "slightly embarrassed"
ashamed, blushing, bashful, embarrassed, abashed, hesitant

shelter [noun]

means "safety"
asylum, haven, refuge, retreat, sanctuary, cover

shoot [verb]

means "speech"
ask, question, inquire, solicit, request

short-sighted [adjective]

means "myopic"
astigmatic, heedless, blind, unthinking, thoughtless, reckless

shrewd [adjective]

means "sharp"
keen, quick, acute, astute, intelligent, perceptive

shrewdness [noun]

means "cleverness"
insight, sagacity, perspicacity, astuteness, intelligence, judgment

sidelong [adjective]

means "lateral"
sideling, sideways, askance, indirect, diagonal, edgeways

sideways [object]

means "to one side"
to the side, abreast, aside, laterally, alongside, in reserve

siege [verb]

means "attack"
besiege, assault, offend, beleaguer, beset

siege [noun]

means "attack"
offence, assault, onslaught, bout, blockade, go

silly [adjective]

means "property"
asinine, frivolous

simple [adjective]

means "characteristic"
stupid, foolish, ignorant, silly, inane, asinine

simulated [adjective]

means "unnatural"
assumed, insincere, feigned, pretentious, pretended, affected

sit [verb]

means "activity"
meet, convene, assemble

skew [adjective]

means "askew"

slag [noun]

means "cinder"
dust, ashes, remains, soot, ash, embers

slake [verb]

means "satisfy"
mollify, placate, assuage, allay, propitiate, sate

slay [verb]

means "kill"
murder, slaughter, massacre, butcher, assassinate, do in

slaying [adjective]

means "gangland slaying"
murder, assassination, strangling, execution

slur [verb]

means "accuse"
slander, disparage, discredit, smear, asperse, calumniate

sly [adjective]

means "shrewd"
clever, sharp, intelligent, smart, calculating, astute

small [adjective]

means "feeling"
ashamed, abashed, mortified

smooth [verb]

means "activity"
calm, soothe, tranquillise, tranquillize, assuage, mollify

smother [verb]

means "strangle"
stifle, throttle, choke, suffocate, asphyxiate, gag

sober [adjective]

means "behaviour"
temperate, abstinent, abstemious, ascetic

socialise [verb]

means "fraternise"
fraternize, hobnob, associate, mix, socialize, consort

socialize [verb]

means "fraternise"
fraternize, hobnob, associate, socialise, mix, consort

soften [verb]

means "ease"
alleviate, mitigate, mollify, assuage, allay, abate

solace [verb]

means "relieve"
alleviate, soothe, assuage, allay, soften, mitigate

soothe [verb]

means "soften"
alleviate, allay, quiet, assuage, mitigate, mollify

sort [verb]

means "activity"
distribute, assort

sortie [noun]

means "sally"
raid, foray, charge, attack, assault, storm

sound [verb]

means "activity"
examine, ascertain, determine, fathom, inspect, investigate

spartan [adjective]

means "austere"

spouse [noun]

means "companion"
consort, associate, friend, husband, wife

squire [noun]

means "knight's attendant"
attendant, servant, assistant, valet, steward

stagger [verb]

means "astound"
amaze, astonish, dumbfound, confound, shock, surprise

stairs [noun]

means "flight"
steps, ascent, fire escape

startled [adjective]

means "amazed"
astounded, surprised, open-eyed

state [verb]

means "speech"
say, speak, declare, pronounce, assert

statement [noun]

means "announcement"
declaration, proclamation, allegation, communication, assertion, remark

station [verb]

means "establish"
assign, locate, place, position, set, post

steps [noun]

means "stairs"
flight, ascent, fire escape

stint [noun]

means "task"
assignment, job, work, chore, consignment

stocks [noun]

means "funds"
assets, credit, bonds, account

storm [verb]

means "activity"
attack, assault, besiege, rush

storm [noun]

means "conflict"
attack, assault, siege

storming [noun]

means "attack"
raid, invasion, onslaught, offensive, combat, assault

strangle [verb]

means "smother"
choke, asphyxiate, suffocate, throttle, stifle, garrotte

stun [verb]

means "confound"
amaze, astonish, astound, bewilder, stupefy, overwhelm

stunning [adjective]

means "astonishing"
staggering, astounding, remarkable, shocking, striking

stupefied [adjective]

means "numb"
benumbed, astonished, astounded, bewildered, surprised, dazed

stupefy [verb]

means "daunt"
astonish, awe, shock, overwhelm, intimidate, amaze

stupid [adjective]

means "property"
foolish, absurd, inane, asinine, daft, dumb

sub [noun]

means "underling"
inferior, subject, assistant, helper, aide, collateral

subordinate [noun]

means "underling"
inferior, subject, assistant, helper, aide, collateral

subscribe [verb]

means "assent"
consent, accede, assent to, authorise, authorize, sanction

subsidise [verb]

means "finance"
support, maintain, sponsor, fund, back, assist

subsidize [verb]

means "finance"
support, maintain, sponsor, fund, back, assist

subsidy [noun]

means "financial assistance"
assistance, handout, welfare, dole, backing, aid

subtle [adjective]

means "character trait"
crafty, cunning, wily, sly, artful, astute

subtle [adjective]

means "behaviour"
discriminating, keen, skilful, astute, indirect, apt

succor [verb]

means "help"
aid, assist, support, relieve, befriend, lend a hand

succor [noun]

means "help"
aid, sustenance, assistance, relief, support

succour [verb]

means "help"
aid, assist, support, relieve, befriend

succour [noun]

means "help"
aid, sustenance, assistance, relief, support

suffocate [verb]

means "strangle"
stifle, throttle, smother, choke, asphyxiate, gag

summon [verb]

means "convene"
summons, assemble, call in, call, bid, convoke

support [verb]

means "help"
aid, assist, advocate, maintain, relieve, succour

support [noun]

means "aid"
assistance, help, relief, succour

supporting [adjective]

means "aiding"
helpful, auxiliary, helping, cooperating, assisting, sustaining, assistant

suppose [verb]

means "presume"
infer, give, presuppose, assume, deem, believe

supposedly [object]

means "as if"
evidently, apparently, just as though, as though, presumably

supposition [noun]

means "assumption"
conjecture, surmise, presupposition, assuming, presumption, hypothesis

suppositious [adjective]

means "supposed"
imaginary, hypothetical, assumed, conjectural, illegitimate, deceptive

sure [adjective]

means "behaviour"
confident, positive, certain, convinced, assured, cocksure

surely [object]

means "conviction"
certainly, positively, definitely, assuredly

surety [noun]

means "security"
backing, collateral, assurance, guaranty, protection, insurance

surmise [verb]

means "guess"
assume, infer, conjecture, imagine, suppose, suspect

surprise [verb]

means "amaze"
astound, astonish, stupefy, bewilder, dumbfound, startle

surprise [noun]

means "amazement"
awe, astonishment, shock, stupefaction, wonder, consternation

surprised [adjective]

means "amazed"
astonished, puzzled, flabbergasted, dumbfounded, overwhelmed, shocked

surprising [adjective]

means "amazing"
unexpected, astonishing, startling, extraordinary, sudden, remarkable

sustaining [adjective]

means "aiding"
helpful, supporting, helping, cooperating, assisting, auxiliary, assistant

swallow [verb]

means "absorb"
consume, devour, engulf, assimilate

symposium [noun]

means "conference"
convention, seminar, discussion, assembly, caucus, debate

synthesis [noun]

means "combination"
assembly, aggregate

system [noun]

means "association"
complex, assemblage, combination, correlation

take [verb]

means "opinion"
assume, presume, hold, consider, regard, suppose

take [verb]

means "activity"
determine, ascertain, fix

take [verb]

means "action"
adopt, appropriate, utilise, utilize, assume, discharge

take-off [noun]

means "taking flight"
ascent, climb, launching, rising

taken [adjective]

means "occupied"
assigned, reserved, full

takeoff [noun]

means "taking flight"
ascent, climb, aircraft departure, blast-off, launching, becoming airborne

taking into account [object]

means "in view of"
in consideration of, considering, because of, as regards

tariff [noun]

means "tax"
assessment, levy, toll, duty

tax [verb]

means "action"
levy, impose, assess

tax [noun]

means "finance"
levy, assessment, charge, tariff, toll, duty

tell [verb]

means "activity"
deduce, ascertain, discern, distinguish, differentiate, compute

temper [verb]

means "activity"
soften, calm, soothe, pacify, assuage, mollify

test [verb]

means "activity"
assay, inquire

theory [noun]

means "opinion"
hypothesis, guess, conjecture, speculation, assumption, rationale

thesis [noun]

means "proposition"
opinion, side, contention, argument, assumption, belief, assertion

throng [verb]

means "crowd"
assemble, herd, swarm, jostle, press

throng [noun]

means "crowd"
mass, multitude, horde, swarm, host, assemblage

throttle [verb]

means "strangle"
suffocate, smother, choke, stifle, asphyxiate, silence

thunderstruck [adjective]

means "dumbfounded"
astounded, amazed, astonished, flabbergasted, confounded, blown away

to [object]

means "position"
toward, facing, through, as far as

to the side [object]

means "to one side"
aside, abreast, sideways, laterally, alongside, in reserve

togetherness [noun]

means "exchange"
union, fellowship, agreement, sharing, association, communion

toll [noun]

means "payment"
tax, duty, assessment, charge, customs, price

too [object]

means "addition"
additionally, as well, in also, besides, as well as, moreover

torpedo [noun]

means "murderer"
assassin, killer, manslayer

totality [noun]

means "entirety"
whole, amount, aggregate, assemblage, body, gross

trace [verb]

means "investigate"
discover, determine, ascertain, find out

transfer [verb]

means "convey"
assign, cede, sign, deed, make over, alien

transfer [noun]

means "shift"
change, assignment, movement, traffic

trial run [noun]

means "test"
check, assay, examination, experiment, procedure, proof

tributary [adjective]

means "subordinate"
helping, branch, assisting, accessory, auxiliary

triumph [noun]

means "victory"
success, achievement, conquest, mastery, ascendancy

trust [verb]

means "wish"
hope, expect, assume, imagine

trust [verb]

means "action"
entrust, assign, consign, commission, commit

trust [noun]

means "conviction"
belief, confidence, faith, reliance, dependence, assurance

trusted [adjective]

means "reliable"
close, assured, certain, constant, believable, dependable

try [verb]

means "activity"
attempt, endeavour, strive, assay, offer, essay

tryst [noun]

means "meeting"

unadorned [adjective]

means "austere"
rigourous, severe, modest, plain, ascetic, reclusive

unavoidable [adjective]

means "inevitable"
involuntary, necessary, undeniable, assured, certain, imminent

undoubted [adjective]

means "confident"
positive, certain, convinced, assured, cocksure, indisputable

unequal [adjective]

means "uneven"
disproportionate, jagged, rough, irregular, unsymmetrical, asymmetric

uneven [adjective]

means "irregular"
disproportionate, jagged, rough, unequal, unsymmetrical, asymmetric

unevenness [noun]

means "roughness"
harshness, rudeness, asperity

unflagging [adjective]

means "continuous"
tireless, untiring, unrelenting, persisting, assiduous, consistent

union [noun]

means "alliance"
confederacy, congress, association, order, league, brotherhood

unit [noun]

means "thing"
total, assemblage

unite [verb]

means "combine"
join, link, couple, connect, associate, ally

uniting [adjective]

means "joining"
junction, association, combination, blending, admixture, fusion

unlawful [adjective]

means "wrong"
faulty, unfair, astray, erroneous, erring, imperfect

unrelieved [adjective]

means "strict"
austere, severe, astringent, unadorned, simple, plain, ascetic

unsuspecting [adjective]

means "gullible"
undoubting, innocent, unaware, napping, asleep, unprepared

unsymmetrical [adjective]

means "irregular"
askew, asymmetric, nonparallel, inconsistent, lopsided, uneven

untiring [adjective]

means "continuous"
tireless, assiduous, unrelenting, persisting, unflagging, consistent

unusual [adjective]

means "startling"
amazing, extraordinary, astonishing, surprising

unwavering [adjective]

means "constant"
uniform, faithful, undeviating, consistent, steady, assiduous

upswing [noun]

means "upturn"

upturn [noun]

means "upswing"

urge [verb]

means "language"
allege, maintain, assert, declare, asseverate, aver

usurpation [noun]

means "appropriation"
assuming, accepting, assumption

utterance [noun]

means "expression"
assertion, exposition, vent, declaration, narration, voice

vacuous [adjective]

means "amazed"
vacant, astonished, muddled, perplexed, bewildered, dazed

value [verb]

means "cost"
price, appraise, assess, estimate, evaluate, rate

value [noun]

means "cost"
expense, price, amount, charge, assessment, appraisal

variety [noun]

means "type"
assortment, category, group, classification, class, sort

victory [noun]

means "triumph"
success, achievement, conquest, mastery, ascendancy

view [noun]

means "vision"
sight, glimpse, appearance, show, aspect

view [noun]

means "opinion"

vilify [verb]

means "revile"
malign, assail

vindicate [verb]

means "defend"

violation [noun]

means "defilement"
debasement, assault, desecration, rape, subjugation

virtue [noun]

means "quality"
asset, attribute, merit, distinction, excellence

vision [noun]

means "perception"
discernment, understanding, acumen, astuteness, intuition

vocal [adjective]

means "outspoken"
vociferous, assertive, noisy, candid, vehement

vote for [verb]

means "adopt"
approve, affirm, assent to, espouse, ratify, sanction

vouch [verb]

means "certify"
attest, swear, state, assure, witness, reassure

vouch for [verb]

means "affirm"
attest, pledge, guarantee, promise, aver, assure

vow [verb]

means "promise"
swear, pledge, warrant, assure, affirm

walking [verb]

means "afoot"
on foot, astir, at large, pedestrian

wan [adjective]

means "colourless"
ashen, bleached, blanched, doughy, pallid, pale

warrant [verb]

means "guarantee"
assure, vouch for

warrant [noun]

means "guarantee"
assurance, pledge, certify, warranty, security, guaranty

warrior [noun]

means "combatant"
assailant, aggressor, fighter, brawler, soldier

wealth [noun]

means "possession"
riches, fortune, treasure, affluence, cash, assets

weigh [verb]

means "opinion"
judge, evaluate, assess, review, consider, reckon

whilst [object]

means "while"
since, during, inasmuch as, as long as

white [adjective]

means "appearance"
pale, wan, pallid, anaemic, chalky, ashen

wife [noun]

means "person"
companion, spouse, associate, friend, consort

wish [noun]

means "aim"
ambition, aspiration, dream, goal, promise

wonder [noun]

means "state"
amazement, astonishment, surprise, shock, wonderment, awe

wonderful [adjective]

means "amazing"
extraordinary, marvellous, phenomenal, astounding, awesome, astonishing

wondrous [adjective]

means "extraordinary"
phenomenal, remarkable, amazing, incredible, astounding, indescribable

word [noun]

means "speech"
pledge, promise, guarantee, assurance, commitment, warrant, expression, assertion, declaration, statement, utterance, asseveration

yield [verb]

means "grant"
bow, acquiesce, concede, give, bend, assent

zenith [noun]

means "climax"
culmination, acme, pinnacle, summit, extremity, ascendancy

zigzag [adjective]

means "crooked"
crinkled, askew, bent, awry, curved, diagonal

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